He opened it and was knocked back and passed out.

Ben looked at Klaus a moment and walked towards the open room.

He saw Vanya encapsulated in blue light.


Luther, Adriana and old Five walked up a set of stairs and walked along a bridge.

"All right, just be cool till I finish the job on the grassy knoll," Old Five said. "We'll get the time math and I'll ice the squirt."

"I just wish there was another way, you know?" Luther said.

"There isn't. Look at him."

"What are you looking at?" Five asked.

"Look." Luther glanced back at his brother's younger version.

"See something funny?"

"Worst case of paradox psychosis I ever seen," Old Five commented. "Eh... What's wrong?"

"Well, I... feel bad for him," Luther replied. "You know?"

"Mind your business!" Five yelled.

"He's just a little guy."

"Everybody's a little guy to you," Old Five noted.

"You wish you could pull off these shorts!" Five retorted.

"You look like King Kong and the Hitler Youth had a baby. Luther, I... I don't have time for you to tuck and squeeze here. Can I count on you to keep him under control?"

"Yeah, I'll do my best, yeah," Luther answered.

"All right."

Adriana looked between them with an amused smirk before taking Five's hand and he calmed slightly.

Luther turned to Five. "Hey, brother. How you doing?"

"He's gonna kill me, isn't he?" Five said as they descended stairs.

"What? What, him? He's gonna kill you? Yeah, right. That's ridiculous."

"You know, you're a terrible liar, Luther. You're worse liar than you are a spotter."

"What good is having a spotter if you won't even listen to him?"

"So you admit you're conspiring against me?" Five questioned.

"Do... Do you admit that you're suffering from paradox psychosis?"

"All I'm suffering from is bracing clarity about you and your murderous intentions."

"Look, it's not like he's gonna "kill you" kill you. He just wants to kill, a, um... version of you."

"But I am that version of me."

They walked along a sidewalk. "Hey, I don't love it, either, but he's actually got a pretty good plan."

"What? The one where you guys off me and then jump to 2019 to save the world?"

"Yeah, wait, how did you know that?" Adriana asked.

"Because I'm him, and that is exactly what I would do if I were trying to kill me!"

"Okay, all I know we've got one Five to many, and you're acting like a maniac," Luther said.

"Maniac? Luther, you have seen nothing. If you want a maniac, I will show you a maniac."

Luther glanced at Five. "Okay, as your spotter, I think the best thing I can do for you right now is put you out of your misery."

Adriana shook her head. "No, don't kill him."

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