"Drifting on the Touge" ( Lemon )

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I Put the R in reverse and drive out of the garage and out of the driveway I turn the wheel to the left, I then shift to first gear, and drive off to Bea's house, and as I do I decide to turn on some Lofi hip-hop.

( 2 Hours Later)

I'm are driving on the touge when I spot Bea's house in the tree line above you, I drive up to the side near her driveway and park, your GT-R you, walk up to Bea's door, and after a few seconds she opens the door, and I see her wearing her Sweatshirt un-zipped showing a Sports bra and wearing some small shorts. she gives Me a warm kinda Flirty smile and kisses me, then separates. 

Bea: Alright, I got a friend who spared me a car for you to use to practice drifting.

She passed Me and opens the garage door to reveal a panda-colored Three door AE86 SPRINTER TRUENO GT-Apex.

Y/N: Woah, what's under the hood?

Bea: A,  20V Silvertop 4A-GE Twin Cam. with a Single Turbo.

Y/N: What's its horsepower?
Bea:  Around Two Forty.

Y/N: Not Bad...

Bea: Yeah, it's around good enough for you to learn.

She pulls the keys out of her sweatshirt pocket and hands them to me.

Bea: Well, come on I'm gonna help you learn.

She says patting my shoulder while walking over to the passenger side I couldn't help but look at her and realize that her shorts and her hoodie Show her curves well, but she comes to notice and gives me a Flirty smile.

Bea: Oh, don't worry you get a piece of this soon~

She says sliding her hands from her hands to her hips.

My face feels hot as my face turns a Bright red from her and you Stutter with your words

Y/N: Y-Yeah got it.

You say not knowing what else to say, but she just Erupts into a laugh.

Bea: Hahahaa. Holy shit you're cute when you stutter!

Y/N:  Yeah, yeah, whatever.

I say looking away in embarrassment, but you hear her just giggle.

I walk over to the Driver's side and open the door and get in and put the keys into the ignition you then push down on the Clutch and Brake. You then Twist the key and you feel the car come to life. You shift out of Neutral and shift into First gear and push slowly on the gas and drive off toward where you and Bea started your Race last time.

( Time Skip )

You Press more on the gas and the first Sharp turn comes into view. you prepare to turn, as Bea gives you the basic instruction to turn the corner as fast as you can go. but you have Different plans you push even more on the gas. You see that Bea has gotten a bit worried.

Y/N: Don't worry...I got this...

you say as you shift to 3rd Gear.

you notice the gutter and turn into it and you feel the wheels lock in the gutter and you floor the gas.

you "Ride" it until it ends and you release the Gas, push down on the clutch, and then shift to 4th gear and release the clutch and push back down on the Gas, you look at the speed gauge and see that you're going 112 and climbing, then Bea tells you to stop, you ease the brake until it comes to a stop you then pull up the hand brake.

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