The Touge

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(3 weeks later.)  

You wake up, blinking your eyes a few times as you look up at the ceiling of your room, you try to sit up but you feel some weight on your chest you lift your head up to see what it is, You notice that it is just Rosey sleeping on you with a very cute smile on her face, you lightly pet her head which Rosey's tail starts to wag, Rosey wakes up and yawns after she yawns, she looks at you.

Rosey: Good Morning~

Y/N: Good Morning, my Fox~

She just smiles and gives you a kiss on the lips, she then gets off the bed.

Rosey: Come on let's get Breakfast.

You get up from your bed and follow Rosey Down the stairs, as you get near the last step you smell the wonderful breakfast that you see, Emily is making.

Y/N: That smells great Emily!

You look at her and realize that she is wearing only a Sports bra, some small Shorts, and an Apron, Which exposes her curves, She looks back at you with her kind smile.

Emily: Aww, Thanks Y/N.

answering what you said.

You and Rosey sit down at the table as Emily sets down the Breakfast on plates, You also finally realize that Rosey is also wearing only a sports bra and small Shorts, As you are Eating your Breakfast, Emily says something.

Emily: After you are done with Breakfast, You and I are going to visit a friend of mine.

Y/N: Why?

Emily: Because She wants to talk.

Y/N: Ok.

After a few minutes of Eating You put your plate in the sink and give Rosey a kiss, you then go outside to Get into Emily's Lan Evo and drive off.

Y/N: But where are we going?

Emily: To her house.

Y/N: Ok, got it.

 After three hours of driving, you are looking around at the forest around You on the mountain pass, You finally reach Emily's  Friend's House.

Emily parks the Evo onto the driveway and then pulls up the parking brake on the Evo, You stretch as you get out after the long drive, Emily knocks on the door, you hear a voice after Emily knocks

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Emily parks the Evo onto the driveway and then pulls up the parking brake on the Evo, You stretch as you get out after the long drive, Emily knocks on the door, you hear a voice after Emily knocks.

????: I'll Be right there in a sec!

After a few seconds, the door opens revealing Emily's  Friend.

After a few seconds, the door opens revealing Emily's  Friend

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