Chapter Twenty-Three: Through The Night

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While Lilly sleeps with giddiness thumping in her chest, Ava can't sleep at all.

She stares up at the ceiling, thinking.

She'd given Lilly all the words that have been stirring around in her mind for the last few weeks.

The idea of making her confession "perfect" had gone out the window.

She's worried about how Lilly is taking them, which she knows is irrational.

The fact that she knows it's irrational makes things worse, because she's worrying about something that she shouldn't worry about.

Lilly feels the same way, she's felt that way for a while.

Both of them are in the same place with their feelings.

A new thought worries Ava.
What happens now?

If they both like each other, then the logical next step would be to move their relationship to another level.
Start being more than friends.

That possibility, that idea, puts excitement and worry in Ava's chest that she's never felt before.
She's never been anyone's girlfriend.

Something that stops her worrying is that Lilly has never been anyone's girlfriend, either.

It would be new for both of them.

Holding hands in a romantic way, cuddling in bed together, kissing more...

Those all sound incredible.
Really, really incredible.

Ava still doesn't get any sleep, but it's no longer, because of worrying.

It's because she spends the night with her mind buzzing with ideas.
Sweet, sweet ideas.

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