Chapter Fourteen: Communication

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A few blocks down the street on that same Sunday morning, Lilly looks at her text message that she sent to Ava.
It hasn't been answered.

She hasn't talked to Ava since the Christmas party on Friday, but after all that happened, she's been giving her some space.

Though, no one has heard from her and Lilly's worrying had prompted her to send a text Ava's way.

After anxiously staring at her phone for a good while, the incoming message bubble appears.

Her message of, "Are you doing okay? How are you?" is met with:

I'm doing good. I'm good, too, but I'm having a lot of thoughts. I want to see you. Do you want to come over to my house?

Lilly feels a big, nervous weight being lifted off of her shoulders, but it's soon put back when she thinks about seeing Ava again.

She's thought about it.
She's thought about seeing Ava again and has worried if things will be weird or not.

Ava told her that things aren't weird, between them, but Lilly can't help but worry about it.

But she is curious about what thoughts Ava could be having after the kiss, so she texts back:

I'm happy you're doing good. I would love to come over. <3

Ava replies with a smiley face and a heart, which makes Lilly's heart flutter, like it always does.

She drives over to Ava's house and goes right to Ava's room, opening the door quickly.

Ava is hunched over her bed, organizing her pillows and stuffed animals.

She turns around quickly and a soft smile comes onto her face when her eyes meet Lilly's.

Ava stands up and hugs Lilly, she hugs her tight and she doesn't want to let go.

And she doesn't let go for a good minute.
It's roughly sixty seconds of warmth between them.

A ridiculously simple thing, a simple minute of warm between them that makes both of their hearts light up.

When they both let go, the weight and nerves that came with seeing each other again goes away. They're both at ease.

"How've you been?" Lilly asks, taking a seat on the bed.

She already asked this question, but hearing the answer in person is better than seeing it over text.

Ava looks hesitant in giving her answer.

In one day, twenty-four hours, her thoughts have gone from confusion to something close to love, but there's still lingering frustration in her head.

"I'm good, my mind's clearer now." She says. "But... I have, I think, two things I'm still confused about."

If Ava can get these two things cleared up, then she can rest easy.

"What's the first thing?"
"Why did you tell Lucas and Rose that you... like me before you told me?"

Lilly's answers comes quick, she barely has to think about it.
"I didn't know how you would react... with me... liking you. I wanted to tell someone before I told you, so they could help me say it the right way."

That answer was a lot simpler than Ava thought it would be, which is comforting to her.

"So, so, they were just helping you? That's all?" Ava asks.
Lilly nods her head a bit, sighing,
"Yep. That's it. What's the, uh, second thing?"

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