ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #𝟷7:

Start from the beginning

The Shadow Grandmaster clears his throat again before speaking. " We want to discuss something that involves the two of you " as he glances between Hanabi and Hayabusa back and forth.

Hanabi grips the hem of her kimono, feeling nervous all of a sudden. Her body tenses with the seriousness of the two Grandmasters in front of them.

Hanabi relaxes her hands on top of her thighs and gulped before speaking. " what is it? "

HANABI wears her mask on before entering the training ground and the people in it instantly stopped on what they're doing and snap their attention toward her.

Hanabi just rolled her eyes mentally as she continues to stride inside. Mina and Sana look at her with worries in their eyes but she chose to ignore them. She also caught Hayabusa's stares but she cares less about it. She headed towards the less crowded spot and immediately took out her daggers and started blade throwing.

The ninjas around her continue their training sensing her, not caring about the attention they giving her.

Everyone seems so busy enhancing their combat, that you could hear loud pants and grunts coming out of their lips.

" hey "

Hanabi lift her gaze upon the man who owns the voice and nodded as she recognizes him. " you alright now? " he asked. Hanabi just nodded again as a response and finds a shade of a tree to rest on. Julian follows behind.

Hanabi drank from her wooden bottle and crouched on the ground, Julian did the same. The female ninja lifts her brow towards him as she speaks.

" Why are you clinging to me? "

Julian was taken aback by her question and a smirk gradually form on his lips. " I was merely giving you company Grandmaster's daughter"
" well... go away, I don't need that "

Julian's forehead wrinkles as he glances at something. Hanabi follows his stare and felt her heart sunken after seeing the scene not so far from them. Hanabi just looks away, pretending she didn't see any of it.

" You'd lock yourself from that room of yours for almost a month and come here without even talking to your friends? "

Hanabi switch her attention to Julian, her brows furrowed. " friends? Sadly, I don't have one " she spoke, a glint of pain in her voice. Julian looks at her, and their gazes met.

The male ninja rolls his eyes skyward before looking away. " drama queen" he whispered, enough for the female ninja to hear.

Hanabi sneers, hitting his nape with all her strength.

" what the fuck?! " Julian exclaimed, caressing his reddened nape as his raging gaze landed on her.
" that's for calling me a drama queen" she utter bitterly. " truth hurts "

Hanabi glared at him and Julian could only shift away from her, scared that she might hit him once again.

" They're your friends, right?" he asked, gesturing his head in the direction of Hayabusa and Kagura, along with Sana and Mina.

Hanabi nodded hesitantly as she bowed her head down.

" You're jealous of Kagura, ain't you? "

Hanabi can hardly nod while listening to Julian speaks.

" me too, I'm jealous of Hayabusa. I uhh... asked Kagura about them once and she said they were just friends "

Hanabi lifts her head and snaps her gaze to Hayabusa and Kagura, laughing for an unknown reason. They were talking about something, their eyes glowing while looking at each other.

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