A Dark Box

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....Where was she? It's dark. And enclosed. She's stuck in a box, of some sort. She couldn't see, so she went to her next best option: hearing. There was shuffling, and the murmuring of a high pitched voice. So she wasn't alone.

Taking a deep breath, she gently pressed against the edge of the box, searching for any give. The lid shifted slightly, but seemed to be held shut with a latch. She pushed down her panic. This was manageable. Someone had to let her out eventually.

"I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me...."

Uniform? Was the nasally sounding guy infiltrating this place or something?

"Urgggh... this lid weighs a ton!"

Her eyes widened. He's trying to open the lid! She pushed against the front of the box, hoping to help out the stranger.

"Try this on for size! Mya-ha!"

....mya-ha? Well, there are stranger expressions to use, she supposed. Suddenly she heard a gust, and then a clatter. But the lid on her box remained. Was...there more than one box?

A boy's voice broke her out of her thoughts. His voice was gentle, but very panicked.

"What?! F-Fire?!"

"Now to grab the goods...What?! You ain't supposed to be awake!"

"F-Floating coffins?!"

Poor boy. He sounds absolutely terrified. She jiggled the door of her...coffin, apparently, hoping to get his attention. She wanted to reassure him.

"One's rattling?! Is...Is someone there?" His fearful voice called out. Elle sighed in relief. She made an effort to speak loud enough to be heard. Despite this, her voice still came out quieter than she intended.

"Hello? I'm not sure where I am...could you possibly help me out?"

There was a pause, before she felt someone rattling the door from the outside.

"Is this the one you're in?"

"Y-Yes, thank you so much!"

"Don't thank me yet, I haven't gotten the lid off."

"Oh-ho! You've got a lotta nerve ignoring me, human! The name's Grim. Believe me, you won't forget it!"

"Hey Grim, how did you open my coffin?"

"Ffnya?! Hey! Listen to me when I'm talking to you! Gimme your uniform and be quick about it! 'Cause if you don't...you're gonna regret it!"

Oh. Sounds like the guy who came to rob the place is mad. But...why would you tell someone your name when you're trespassing? Isn't that a one way ticket to getting arrested?

"S-Somebody help!"

"Hey, come on! I'm on a tight schedule here!"

She heard a small yelp and frantic footsteps moving behind her, and then her vision filled with blue as light seeped into her tiny prison. She hurriedly stumbled out of the coffin, her eyes widening at the sight of some kind of fire cat with a forked tail that did not look happy.

"What kind of Pokémon looking..."

"There's another one?! Why are you guys awake?! Doesn't matter, hand over those robes!"

"Okay, time to go."

Elle quickly looked around, spotting the boy she had heard earlier. He was wearing a black and purple robe with gold accents. She could see fluffy brown hair poking out from underneath the hood. He looked a couple years younger than her, from what she could tell.

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