Room For One More

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Well, Yu had returned before her, if the pair of tennis shoes in the entryway served as any indication. She decided to leave her shoes there as well, figuring it would be easier to silence her footsteps without them. It took a bit of effort to remove them without her hands, but she eventually managed it and made her way towards the kitchen.

Elle hefted the bags up onto the counter, once again cringing at the noise they made, and quickly sifted through them for any non-food items, as well as the tuna cans. She could already tell she would have to put those on a high shelf and ration them out, lest Grim eats them all in one sitting.

After successfully stashing away the tuna cans in an upper cabinet, she placed the remaining items into one of the newly emptied bags and made her way to the bathroom, where she left the rest of the items in the sink. It was late. She could put all this stuff where it actually went once she wasn't exhausted. With that in mind, she headed to her room.

It was still wild to her how she had space for herself in this world. Not that she didn't have her own room back home, but this one felt less....stifling. Maybe it was the fact that there wasn't a working lock on the door. Normally that would be worrying, but it was reassuring to her. She was never a fan of locks.

She collapsed onto her bed, only to feel something hard and rectangular underneath her. Ah, that's right. The camera. Elle let out an annoyed groan, pulling the device off of her and placing it onto the nearest surface she could reach: the TV that she had moved to the foot of the bed. She could probably find an actual place for it to go in the morning, but at this point, she was just ready to sleep.

She rolled herself up in the sheets, silently lamenting that she had forgotten to get pajamas for both her and Yu, and shifted around until her head hit the pillow. She was asleep before she knew it.


In the dark of the night, an unplugged television jumped to life. Sparks of electricity jumped around the room, casting odd shadows.

'Finally, FINALLY! Finally this place isn't completely empty! Now I have an actual chance of bustin' outta this joint! Now, let's see here...'

The TV fuzzed, the shadow of...something...darkening for only a moment, before a particularly large spark hopped out, circling the room before homing in on the one currently occupying it.

'Whaaaaat?! This one doesn't have a lick a' magic in 'em! And I thought I was supposed to be lucky...ugh, rats.'
It then circled around to what she had placed on top of its prison.

'Looks like all they got on 'em is this dusty ol' camera too. Yer really telling me this fossil is where the magic I'm sensing is comin' from? Well, beggars can't be choosers, I guess...If it gets me outta this rickety ol' shack, then I don't care!'

With that, the spark leaped into the camera, electricity bridging between it and the television. Elle began to stir.

'Aw, nuts! C'mon, I can't let my cover be blown now! Hurry up, hurry up!' The light intensified, wrapping around the camera and lifting it into the air. The round ears on the lens elongated, now resembling that of a rabbit's.
'YES! Ha HA! It's not exactly freedom, but it's good enough for me! Sayonara, you stupid CRT! I'll see ya NEVER!'

Elle opened her eyes. The camera fell back into place. The TV shut off. The electricity was gone. Elle rubbed her eyes, looking around.

She had always been an incredibly light sleeper, often waking up whenever she heard movement in the hall, so the fact that she woke up despite the exhaustion weighing on her had her on edge. She listened closely for anything that could have alerted her. Sure enough, after a few moments of silence, she heard something.

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