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Elle never really knew what a normal family felt like. She saw, of course, but never quite experienced it herself. Usually, a family is supposed to be warm, and safe, and rooting for your success. Well, her parents did want her to succeed, at least on paper...but they definitely wanted her sister to succeed more. Not like success was hard for her twin to achieve in the first place. Nothing was ever hard for Marie.

Currently, she is standing quietly in the corner of the room as her older twin sister happily receives praise upon praise for her outstanding solo performance.

"Ellie! Ellie! Did you see? I got the first prize!"

"Mm-hm. Great job, Marie. I knew you could do it. You're a very talented singer."

"Aw, Ellie! You did great too! I'm sure you'll do even better next time."

Elle mustered up a soft smile.

Elle didn't hate her sister, not really. Marie has never done anything to hurt her. Not consciously, at least. It wasn't her fault she was a born genius. It didn't leave much room for Elle to compete, though. Elle had to learn the hard way that her job was simply to act as a shadow, bolstering her sister and making her shine ever brighter, while never outshining her herself.

Marie was the golden child. The beautiful, perfect angel adored by all. She was bright, optimistic, and graceful. Her bright blue eyes sparkled like gems and her golden hair was smooth like silk. Her parents have doted on her as long as Elle can remember, always claiming that she would change the world.

Compared to her, Elle was never nearly as beloved. She was raised strictly, always having to follow the rigid schedule of harsh lessons her parents set up for her. Elle didn't catch on as quickly as Marie. Elle wasn't as talented as Marie. Elle needed extra lessons to keep up with Marie. History, etiquette, science, cooking, politics, finance, ballet, soccer. Whatever Marie did, Elle was expected to follow. Since Marie was the golden child, Elle would be her perfect supporter, a shadow behind her. A sparkling set piece, but never the focal point. An accessory.

She watched as her sister was pampered with praises, showered with gifts, and given a gentle "better luck next time" when she failed. Yet Elle was pushed to meet much higher standards, but was told that excelling was the expectation. She was told she was selfish for asking for even a candy bar from the store. She was called an ingrate and a slacker for even a single misstep. She complained, at first. She was too young to realize the inequality of the world. She was too young to see the gap between them. Over time, her voice grew quieter and quieter. She doesn't say anything anymore.

So here she is again, watching her sister as she takes the gold. She clutches her participation ribbon to her chest. She knows she won't get to keep it. "It's empty praise to try to console sore losers" is what her father would say. It wasn't her fault she couldn't get her voice out. It wasn't her fault she's not allowed to try anymore.

Elle loved to sing. Singing was one of the few things she considered herself more talented than her sister in. A talent that was hers. Something she enjoyed and excelled in. She first tried it when Marie was interested in choir lessons, so her mother signed both of them up. Marie immediately stole the hearts of the class, to no surprise, but Elle didn't mind. She sang quietly, softer than the others, but loud enough to be heard. Right in the middle. She thought she blended in perfectly.

The teacher noticed. She pulled her aside after the lesson, complimenting her on her voice, telling her that with enough training, and a little confidence, she would do wonderfully. Elle nearly cried. Her name was Ms. Rivers. She was the spark of light in the dark shadows. Elle isn't sure whether their meeting was a blessing or a curse. After all, Ms. Rivers gave her hope.

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