A Lonely Voice

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Elle walked down the hallway, distinctly feeling eyes on her. She gritted her teeth, but kept walking. If it was dangerous, it would probably come to her. No need to go searching for trouble.

Unfortunately, the thing did apparently come to her, as she heard three cackling voices surround her. She stared blankly as three wispy white figures faded into view.

"Hee hee hee... What's a little guy like you doing in a place like this? Were you hoping to join our ranks?"

"We haven't had guests in so long! Stay a while, why don't you?"

Huh. Ghosts. She should have figured ghosts existed in a world of magic and non humans. That was somewhat annoying. It meant abandoned places weren't guaranteed to be empty anymore. Ghosts weren't physical, though, and she saw no reason to acknowledge them when it seemed like they were just looking for a reaction out of her.

So she walked right through them. She didn't even stop. She kept walking till she reached the second room down the hall, and stepped in. Maybe if she pretended like they didn't exist for long enough, they'd get bored and leave her alone.

The ghosts weren't sure what kind of reaction they expected, but it sure wasn't that. Usually people scream, or run away in terror, or heck, even just freeze on the spot! But this student simply paused for a moment before continuing on his way like nothing happened. How boring. Well, no big loss. After all, there were two new guests staying in the ramshackle dorm. Maybe the other one would be more fun to mess with.


Elle examined the room she had just entered. It was simple enough. Two windows, a dresser, a plain twin sized bed, a small wooden bedside table knocked on its side, a desk with a wooden chair, a comfy looking blue armchair turned upside-down with a good amount of throw pillows scattered around it, and a round green rug.

Strangely enough, there was an old CRT television that obviously did not work anymore pushed into the corner of the room. The wire where the plug once was seemed to either have been cut, or simply rotted from disuse. She really didn't want to bother getting rid of the thing, so she decided to use it as a table or something.

Other than dusting, all she really needed to do was sweep up a few paint chips, turn over the furniture, and change the sheets. If the mattress was in good condition, that is.

She walked over to the bed, experimentally poking and prodding at the mattress. After a while, she tentatively sat on the edge of the bed, bouncing a couple times. The springs groaned in protest, but overall held up well enough for her to be satisfied.

She quickly got to work sweeping and dusting, brushing the debris into the hall for future Elle to deal with. She hummed quietly as she worked. Elle would honestly have preferred to sing, but she wasn't sure how far her voice would carry in this building, so she stuck to humming for now.

She set the overturned furniture back to its rightful upright position, and piled the throw pillows onto the chair. There almost wasn't any room to sit, there were so many. She looked inside the dresser, which was unsurprisingly empty, aside from two dark green vests and a striped black and white tie. Looks like she'd have to search for a linen closet.

She decided to put that task on hold for now, deciding instead to tackle the second room. She braved the hallway, luckily not coming across any more ghosts, and opened the door to the room closest to the main staircase.

This room was similar to the first, with two windows and a twin bed, but it also had a small fireplace, and there was a mirror hung on the wall above it. There was a smaller chair covered by a cloth, a broken cuckoo clock, an easel, and a shelf with a few miscellaneous containers on top of it. The rug was also different. Instead of round and green, it was rectangular and tan with a simple dark brown border on the outside and a smaller rectangle of the same color in the middle.

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