Morning Visit

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Knocking. Someone was knocking on the door again. Why.
Elle forced her eyes open, staring at the dust falling down, only to notice that there was already sunlight coming in. She bolted upwards, staring at the window incredulously. Had she slept through the sunrise? She really must have been exhausted, if that was the case.

The knocking continued, the dust that rained from the ceiling cheerfully reminding her that there was someone at the door. She groaned, which turned into a sneeze. Ugh. Dust.

She pulled the blanket around her shoulders to fend off the morning chill as she made her way to the front door. Her quiet footsteps were easily drowned out by the knocking, so she made it to the front door without issue. Not that she was all that loud in the first place. A peek through the crack in the doorway revealed the morning visitor to be Deuce. She breathed a sigh of relief.

She was about to open the door for him, but then paused. She didn't want to startle him....but she also didn't want to raise her voice, especially after she just woke up. Eventually, she just....decided to knock back.

The knocking stopped. After a moment, she heard the blue haired boy's extremely confused voice.

"....uh, hello?"

She wordlessly opened the door, still rubbing sleep out of her eyes. Deuce stared at her for a moment before color rushed to his cheeks.

"O-Oh! Uh, Elle! Hey. Um. Y-You look—wait I mean- um- nice to see you! ....morning."

Deuce stared nowhere in particular as he mentally kicked himself for whatever atrocious word vomit had just come out of his mouth. He knew she lived here, he did! He just hadn't expected to see her this early, and without any warning... Now that the adrenaline of the previous night had worn off, he was once again acutely aware he had no idea how to speak to girls. It didn't help that he REALLY wanted Elle to have a positive opinion of him.

"Morning..." she yawned, using a hand to cover her mouth. It was unfair how cute that looked. Or maybe he was being weird. ...He hurriedly shoved that train of thought away. "You here to check on Ace?"

"Huh? Oh! Uh, yes. Yeah. So he's here?"

She nodded. "Mm-hm. I'm pretty sure he's still asleep though. you know what time it is?"

Deuce quickly fumbled for his phone, nearly dropping it twice. His face felt hot.
"It's uh....7:17."

"Cool. I've managed to survive on less. Thanks."

She what. What? Survived on less what? Wait, she thanked him. He's probably supposed to respond to that.
"Oh! N-No problem."

Elle nodded, suppressing another yawn.
"Come on in, you may as well sit down while you wait. Do you want a granola bar?"

She began to walk down the hallway, and Deuce hastily followed. The door creaked closed behind him. He cringed. This building looked seriously abandoned...! He wondered why the headmage would even think of leaving them in a place like this. It was a wonder the whole thing hadn't collapsed yet. Elle made a tired yet grand gesture towards the lounge area, turning back towards the spade marked boy.

"Here, take a seat wherever, if a ghost shows up, they aren't gonna kill you, no matter how much they imply that they are. I'll be back with granola bars in a sec, so just hold tight, sweets." And with that, she disappeared into the kitchen. Deuce stood dumbly in the middle of the lounge for a moment, dazed. Sweets? Him?? Was she referring to Him??? He felt his heart hammer in his chest. How was she this kind? Was this normal? She didn't even comment on any of his awkward fumbling, which even he could tell was painfully obvious. She's really nice.... Hopefully nobody would try to take advantage of her hospitality...

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