A Prophecy, Is It?

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So according to the note Crowley left, her job this morning was to sweep the floors and empty the trash and recycling cans of every classroom in this hallway before classes start. There were six classrooms in the hall, so it seemed manageable to her.

Armed with a rolling trash bin and a push broom, Elle headed for the room farthest down the hall. It was relaxingly empty this early in the morning. The rattling of the trash bin's wheels echoed down the hall. She hummed to herself, pleased with the way the sound bounced off of the stone walls.

She left the bin outside the door and quickly poked her head in, checking to see if the teacher was already in there. To her relief and delight, it was empty. She looked around for the trash can, and once she located it, pulled out the bag, and dropped it into the bin. There were fresh garbage liners provided on the side of it, among other supplies, making the large bin double as a supply cart. She took a liner with her as she headed back into the room in search of the recycle bin.

Once both bins were emptied, all that was left was to sweep the room. She settled into a rhythm, humming as she went. Of course, the longer the trend of the lack of people being around continued, the greater her urge to sing became.

She started with a few lighter songs, just in case someone overheard her. Simple, safe tunes that hopefully wouldn't concern anyone enough to go investigate if they were to overhear it. Her encounter with Firefly had left her slightly paranoid.

By the time she had moved on to the second room, though, she had already run out of what she considered to be 'safe' songs. So she moved on to her backup category: story songs. Sure, they were a little dark, but one could argue that so were most fables. If she happened to be overheard, she could just lie and say it's a common story from her world.

She didn't actually expect anyone to be listening, though.


It was a very busy time for Heartslabyul, and Riddle had no time to waste. He huffed in frustration as he marched down the halls. Really, was it too much to ask that his dorm members wake up on time? Apparently they couldn't even manage that.

Trey and Cater insisted they had everything handled at the dorm, and suggested he tend to some of his academic duties before returning to his Housewarden duties. He agreed only after being informed that Crowley had a message for him. Something about the troublemakers who were to be expelled today for the destruction of a priceless chandelier, as well as damaging the Queen of Hearts' statue.

He had met one of them, and he was just as uncouth as he had expected. To burn the Queen of Hearts' statue, skip the punishment for it, destroy a chandelier, then steal a slice of tart immediately after? He must be one of those 'class clown' types. Entirely undedicated to his studies, no doubt. Heartslabyul had no need for a student like that.

Back to the subject at hand though, today would also be an opportune time to acquire textbooks and double check the classrooms he would be using for the next year. He would need to remember to leave a note for the professor if he decided to check out a textbook early.

There were about thirty minutes until the beginning of classes; he had expected more students to be in the halls by now. Honestly, how did anyone expect to graduate if they couldn't understand the importance of punctuality?

It was when he was ascending the stairs that he heard it. A voice...? So there was someone else here after all. They seemed to be singing, of all things. Perhaps it was a Pomefiore student? Curious, he figured he could take just a small detour to investigate.

As it would turn out, it wasn't much of a detour at all. The voice was coming from a classroom he was intending to visit later anyway. As he got closer to the source, he noticed that the voice was somewhat familiar, and as she hit a particularly high note, he realized why.

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