16. Strength Is Tiring

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The day was hot, and Sera tugged on her blouse to allow in some air to cool herself off, unfortunately it did the opposite

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The day was hot, and Sera tugged on her blouse to allow in some air to cool herself off, unfortunately it did the opposite. It stuck to her, and Sera swore there was not a bit of water left in her to sweat out.

Kids were playing and laughing while Sera was sweating just looking at them running around. Ana sat next to her, smiling like a conspirator.

Sera didn't tell Ana of her conversation with Remington weeks ago. The two have avoided each other after the exchange and seemed to have mutually decided on keeping a comfortable distance.

"You'll get used to the heat. I promise."

Sera looked at her sister's pleasing grin and laughed. "You're enjoying this aren't you? You are the tougher sister for once."

Ana didn't even bother denying it. "It is very empowering, I must say."

Sera stood and waved at Omeo. "As much as I'd like to stay. I promised to make dinner tonight for us and since I'm not nearly as confident as you are in the kitchen, I must be off."

Ana stood and elegantly dusted her skirt. "Please refrain from burning down our little house."

"Ha. Ha," Sera replied curtly.

Ana's laugh followed her, and Sera smiled because once upon a time she had thought she'd never get to hear Ana's laughter again. As much as that night scarred Sera, literally and figuratively, she was thankful for it, because she would not have been able to escape if it had not happened.

As she made her way home, she chatted with some of the people and took in the rugged yet homey town. Mr. McCall is working on expanding and making this little town more profitable. And for some reason, Sera had no doubt the man would succeed.

As she turned the corner, Sera slammed into a hard body. Stepping back in shock, she looked up to see the tavern owner, Lydia Conrad's husband, William Conrad.

The man wasn't handsome in the least. He had white-blonde hair that was clearly losing its battle with a steadily receding hairline. His brow was rather large, and his cheeks sunk low, making his dull eyes drop in a doglike fashion. He was well built, but Sera could see why Lydia was not content in her marriage. Not that physical handsomeness was a needed quality, but the man also lacked character greatly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sir." Sera knew it had been too good to be true that she hadn't run into any trouble for a while. "If you'll excuse me."

As she tried steering around him the man brushed his knuckles against her cheek, right where Lydia had clawed her. Luckily, Sera had managed to get out of that confrontation scar free, despite the depth of the scratches.

"I can see why my wife loathes you." He bellowed out as Sera continued her way home, ignoring him.

A stinging tug on her scalp made her halt mid-step and crane her neck until she saw Mr. Conrad rubbing a lock of her hair between his fingers. "Such pretty long hair."

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