The door clicked shut behind Draco, cutting Blaise off from his poor attempts of mockery. Draco headed off through the common room to meet Faris at the school's library, carefully eyeing a suspicious-looking third-year on his way.

The corridors were immensely bare in the dungeons with Umbridge at the school; portraits had been taken down from the walls, banners, tapestry, and clocks had vanished. Time now seemed infinite, the hands on the clocks and watches were continuously moving but time was passing sluggishly slow.

If students were lucky to catch entertainment anymore it would be from the Weasley twins or from Peeves- the Hogwarts jester as people called him- he would be drawing on walls with chalk, stealing student's wands, and running away with them, cackling and refusing to give them back.

Then a small hand grasped onto Draco's arm, plucking him out of his thoughts. "Hello," Faris grinned up at him. "Decided to come early too?"

"Blaise kicked me out."

When he gave her another glance her gaze was still fixed on his as she said, "I don't think I've ever seen you wear a designer hoodie."

"Is this what this is?" He asked, pinching the fabric between his fingers.

Faris chuckled, "do you not pay attention to what you buy anymore?"

A small smirk tugged at the corners of Draco's lips, "I guess not. Some things are better going unknown to me."

"You're cute."

"I am not cute . . . I'm a stud," Draco retorted.

Faris snorted, casually rolling her eyes. "Okay, virgin Mary."

Draco's smirk widened, "how would you know if I'm a virgin?" Draco asked, raising one eyebrow at her, unable to contain his smile.

Faris shoved his shoulder. "The smile on your face says it all."

Draco threw his head back in laughter as Faris opened the library door pretending to slam it in his face on the way in.

He returned the favor of jeering by grinding his knuckles against her head to mess up her hair. She snickered trying to swipe at him as he ducked out of her way.

The librarian gave them a condescending look from her desk. They both straightened up at her looks of criticism, swiftly walking to the back of the library. Draco snorted once they were out of the librarian's view but quickly covered it with a cough.

A smirk was still glued onto his face when he slid a chair out from under a table leaning back in a not-so-graceful manner.

The smell of parchment and old books surrounded the two of them in a warm embrace as Faris cracked her charms book open pulling out her notes from her book bag.

"I don't want to study," Draco whined, slouching into the uncomfortable wooden chair.

"This was your suggestion. But you don't have to," Faris shrugged, jotting down notes on her parchment. "I hope you don't fail the test tomorrow."

Draco scoffed, "I'll do fine, I always get a good grade in Flitwick's class."

"I believe you."

"I don't," Draco mumbled, with a ghost of a smile stretching his legs out on top of the desk. They had picked a table near the back on purpose just to avoid Madam Pince telling them off for disturbing the peace or making a mess and causing havoc.

Faris just grinned at his behavior and remarks she was used to it.

Then there was a quiet tapping on a windowpane; a small bird's beak was tapping impatiently at the window waiting for someone to open it. Draco shot up recognizing it to be his owl.

He unlatched the window causing the old glass to shriek and rattle to which Madam Pince gave him a skeptical look from across the room as he took the owl on his shoulder.

The gray owl dropped a letter onto his hands, silently begging for a treat from her long journey. He abided by pulling a treat out of his pocket for her.

"Who's it from?" Faris asked, resting her chin on her palm.

He hesitantly opened the letter addressed to him, "It's from my mum." Though he hardly recognized the scrawl it was her unmistakable signature that caught his eye.

Dearest Draco,

I know this is sudden and rushed with it being so close to the holidays but your father has been having troubles with the Ministry and the Dark Lord and we think it best that you don't come home for Christmas this year. I know this happened last year and in your second year and I'm so sorry about this. The Ministry has been awfully suspicious of your father and wishes to inspect the Manor as soon as possible, and the Dark Lord has been calling meetings of which your father is a big part of now. If you wish to spend the holidays with a friend don't hesitate to ask them, I don't want you to spend Christmas alone. I do hope everything is okay at school, from what you've told me it sounds like a nightmare, do stay safe and stay out of trouble. I wouldn't want you to get hurt again.

We both love you so much and we miss you.

Love, Mum

"Oh shit," Draco groaned, running his hand through his hair, heavily sitting down on his wooden chair.

"Everything alright?" Faris asked, looking up from her notes.

"I can't go home for Christmas this year," Draco mumbled. "Fathers having troubles with the Ministry, they think that it's best that I stay here." Draco leaned back in his chair folding his arms across his chest.

"Spend Christmas with me then," Faris said immediately, eyes widening in excitement.

Draco's head perked up, a small grin spread on his lips, "I shouldn't, it's too much trouble and it's last-minute especially with the break only being a week away-"

"No, it's no trouble, mum's been dying to meet you, and think of all the fun we'll have! Please come!"

Draco stiffened at her words and shook his head again.

"I insist that you come, I don't want you spending Christmas alone."

Draco hesitated his gaze locking with her pleading gaze; looking her dead in the eye for a long moment like he was trying to decide if she was messing with him or not

"Please?" She whispered, her hands latching onto his in a warm hold.

Draco gave her a very hesitant look before giving in, ". . . Okay," he said uneasily. He felt his legs turn into lead underneath the table.

Faris leaped up from her chair quickly kissing Draco on the lips and then his cheek. His face flushed pink as she cupped his cheek, unable to contain her contagious grin.

He grinned, her hair tickling his face as she smiled against his skin, "you won't regret this! We'll have such a great time and France is beautiful during the winter," she gushed. "I'm gonna go write to mum, I'll be right back," she promised, quickly kissing him once more on the lips. "I love you."

She jogged out of the library, his lips stretched into a small smile as he chuckled at her exhilaration.

Little Talks - A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now