The Hero's personal day

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It was morning and it was all peace.

On a bed, someone was sleeping so peacefully that he didn't want to wake up.

(It's the image above of where he lives)

But an alarm clock was going off making an annoying beeping noise for him to shift a lot in the bed.

???: groaning

The person lifts his arm to shut off the alarm. He kept pressing the turn-off button but it still kept making noise. So he slammed his fist for the alarm clock to break into pieces.

???: Finally.

He rolls over and went back to sleep. But out of nowhere, a figure appeared that looked like the figure was holographic. Then closely it was a woman who had red hair, she was wearing like spandex clothing that was slightly light orange, on her cheeks had black lines on it.

 Then closely it was a woman who had red hair, she was wearing like spandex clothing that was slightly light orange, on her cheeks had black lines on it

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She leans towards the bed a bit.

Holographic: Oh Khyro~

The person's name Khyro shifted.

Khyro: snoring

The holographic woman straightened herself and crossed her arms to think of something.

She snapped her fingers and thought of it.


Khyro was so startled by the loud voice he lifts half of his body up and in his left hand, he had a gun.

Khyro: What the who where when. Huh... Oh dammit, Marena you know I hate that!!

Marena: giggle Well sorry Khyro but you smashed your alarm clock...... Again. That's like the 15th alarm clock you destroyed.

Khyro puts his gun down and opens a drawer to grab another alarm clock.

Khyro: Well what do you expect? Saving lives and stopping bank heists in the middle of the night makes you get tired easily.

He stretches and gets out of bed. What he wore was only a shirt and shorts.

Khyro: So what's happening today Marena?

Marena: Well good news there are no robberies happening thanks to you.

Khyro: And what about the multiverse? Clearly, something is happening on a different earth.

Marena: Hmmm let me check.

A screen popped up on Marena's face to look to see.

Marena: Nnnnope the multiverse is still the same other heroes in their world can handle it.

Khyro: Ah so a chill day? Huh never expect that would happen.

Marena smiled.

Marena: Well what are you waiting for go get dressed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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