Chapter 22: My Birthday Concert

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No one's Pov: 

( Warning : * Deep Sadness*)

Riff knew it was his Rock Queen's Birthday and that it is a really special day for her. He silently went over to Barb's room and knocked on her door lightly.

'She should be awake by now' Riff thought in his head.

A soft quiet groan came from inside Queen Barb's room. She opened the door and rubbed her eyes seeing Riff at her door.

"What do you want? dude, can't you see I'm sleeping"Barb said not feeling the energy to yell at him for waking her up.

Riff knew better than to interrupt her sleep ever since she fell for Queen Poppy. She's been awake the whole night of insomnia. It stopped his Rock Queen from her duties in ruling Volcano Rock City. Even though he is her right-hand man supposedly help her out when she isn't feeling so hot.

Riff took a chance to ask her...

"Happy Birthday Barb...How did you sleep?"Riff asked.

Barb's eyes went wide open and hug Riff out of nowhere but tightly.

"Thank you, bro, not so well. Poppy's been in my head all night. I forced myself to go to sleep and I was having the same dream even though she's taking the out of me because I love her too much, " Barb said pulling her own red hair and running her purple fingers through it. 

"I don't know what to do, " She said turning her back on the Riff and going back to her bed, only for Riff to follow her; seeing her pet Debbie.

"I think Val was right, "He said coming over to her.

"Right about what?"She asked.

Riff groans into his hands.

"Confessing your love to Poppy!!!"Riff yelled at her.

She sighed so hard and screamed at the top of her lungs. Only for Riff to close his ears and for everyone down there who woke up from the rock queen's scream.

Only by then, does the Rock Queen start crying showing her weakness that ridiculously hates for no reason. Riff came over to comfort her and have his arms around her. No words came out from the two rock trolls just sobs and sniffles.

"B-But what will happen if she rejects me?! Riff... what happens if she doesn't feel the same way as I feel for her, "Barb said between sobs and sniffles. 

"You won't til you try, your highness, "Riff said.

Barb's heart melted by his soft words.

"I"m not strong, god I'm so weak. I'm crying my heart out. I"m supposed to stay strong for all of you and me who's your rock Queen the one who's guiding all of you to the top. I have been going off on my work because of the Pop Queen, "Barb said calming down and just writing letters to everyone to come to her birthday party and handed to Debbie. But highly doubts everyone is going to come.

She sighs so deeply and breathes softly.

Riff just keeps calming her down and lets his Rock Queen let it all out.

"You are strong,  your highness. You have every right to let out what you feel inside. It's part of who you are.  We don't care about you showing your greatness to everyone. You're already so amazing to all of us. You being our rocking rock queen is all we needed, "Riff said. 

Barb wipes her eyes and just hugs Riff really tightly.

After two hours of crying and hugging. The Rock Queen finally calmed down. Riff was still with her.

"Okay, your highness, get ready it's still your special day, "Riff said almost leaving her room but got held by the arm that Barb was holding me. Riff turned his head. "Thank you, Riff, it means a lot, I really needed to hear that, " Barb said letting go of her right-hand man's arm. She had a sort of pink tint probably from embarrassment.

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