Chapter 12: It Gets Lonely

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Queen Poppy's Pov:

Days and weeks, I haven't seen Barb for a while. So I decided to write a letter to her.

'Dear Barb, '

'Been a long time when we last saw each other. I was hoping you can come over to hang. Only if you want to, I completely understand if you have Queen stuff to do'

Then I saw Debbie coming over to get my letter.She took it and went to take my letter. She took it and went to Volcano Rock City and all I have to do is wait. About fifteen minutes, Debbie came back and dropped the letter in my hands.

It says.

'Of course I want to hang with you. I never thought you would go out of your way to send me a letter like this and without glitter which is surprising'

After reading it my smile faded an instant about the glitter thing. But my smile came back knowing she will come over.

In a moment, I heard someone knocking on a door with a bang. That's when it hit me. I quickly rushed to the door and it revealed Queen Barb and Debbie.

"Hi, Barb, "I said shyly.

"Hey, Poppy, "She said.

"I thought you would be busy with Queen stuff and I know that you have things to do there, "I said rubbing the back of my neck.

She smiled deeply at me.

"Well let's just say I made time to spend with my favorite Troll, "She said hugging me tightly.

I hugged her back it lasted for awhile until we both realized we couldn't leave each other's arms. It felt so safe and warm.Though I wasn't the one who had their arms wrapped it was her. The Queen of Rock  isn't that soft but too tough. Somehow I don't think this is the Rock Queen.

"Okay this isn't you what happened to the Queen Barb I know, "I said smirking and pulling away.

"I just really liked hugging you, don't be weird about it, "Barb said.

"Okay I won't be weird, "I said.

"So, you're going to invite me or what?"Barb asked.

I blinked rapidly and moved aside to invite her in. She walked in and sat down on the couch while Debbie flies around inside.

"How did Debbie know I'll send a letter to you?" I asked closing the door.

"I taught her how to, "Barb said.

"Well, she did a good job tracing that, what were you doing before?"I asked.

"Talking to Riff mostly. Debbie just flew in arriving with a letter, "She said.

"But I was surprised that there was no glitter in it, are you okay?"She asked.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?"I asked.

"I don't know, you just seemed different, "Barb said.

"Well thank Branch for that, "I said sarcastically.

Barb blinks softly.

"Since when has the Queen of Pop been sarcastic?"She asked.

"Since the break up, "I said coming over to the couch to sit with her.

"Look, Poppy, you need to let him go and move on, there's alot of fish in the sea. But sooner or later, your heart will want you to apologize to Branch whether it's a choice or not. It'll help you move on, "Barb said holding both of my arms in comfort.

"I know there is my father wants me to marry a Troll soon or find love soon. But you can't rush into another relationship. Like I got heartbroken what would happen if I get my heart broken again, "I said not looking at the Rock Queen in the eyes.

"Plus I'm just a big disappointment and I don't deserve to be loved or anything, "I said taking my hands away from Barb and just pushed myself away from her.

Barb sighed heavily and quicklu pinned me hard on the couch, laying me down.

"Poppy, don't ever say that I know your father doesn't find you to be a big disappointment. You have more stuff that I don't have. I'm the one who should say these types of things. You deserved the world, "Barb said.

"It gets lonely most of the time, "I said looking at Barb eyes.

"Which is the thing I said to you, being Queen will get lonely that's how I feel in certain times. But have my trolls and my father to support me head on, "Barb said.

"Trust me finding love is tough. I try every single day. But love finds you Poppy and sooner this person will love you until the end of time. I never experience love or friendship before I just know it, "Barb said.

"How come?You're so beautiful, hot, excited most of the time every time, you have this fire in your eyes that you are so passionate about, I know what I see in you is most amazing, gorgeous, sexist troll queen I know of and I'm not telling you what you want to hear. I'm telling what you need to hear. You need more self love and self care about yourself. You're an awesome Queen every troll I know will say the exact same thing as me. I feel so darn lucky to have you but it's like you have this power for everyone, you just don't know what good you are. The male trolls should be head over heels for you, "I said giving it full meaning what I say.

Barb blushed through the air.

"No one has spoken so highly of me not even my father it's not even close what my father says, look I love you Poppy, you're the most amazing best friend I ever had, "Barb said.

"It's the truth, "I said.

"Yeah I don't know no one has dated me because most of them just wanted to get in my pants or do something horrific of me, "Barb said.

"Does your father wanted you to find love?"I asked.

"He gave up, "Barb said.

"But I know there's someone out there for me, "Barb said.

"I don't want to forgive Branch but I will soon when I'm ready, "I said yawning.

"Tired?"Barb asked.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go asleep, "I said getting up.

"Can I stay the night?"Barb asked.

"Of course you can, "I said.

I go to my room and Barb follows.

We both got knocked out in the bed falling asleep in different sides of my bed.

(End of Chapter 12)

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