Chapter 15:How Life Is For Me

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Poppy's Pov:

For the past few days, I have gotten over Branch. So I want to clear some bad blood between me and him. Although, my feelings for the Queen Of Rock had grown stronger. It was my mind couldn't think whenever or wherever she was around.

When I made it over to Branch's bunker, I slipped a note under the door. So I left right after, for the past few days, my life is starting to turn around me. My friends have been there for me for a while now. But the one who helped me the most was her. I wouldn't forget what she had done for me.

Queen Barb's Pov:


"We're halfway there" The crowd was roaring.


"Livin' on a prayer"

"Take my hand and we'll make it, I swear"


"Livin' on a prayer"


"Livin' on a prayer"

"Whoa" The crowd.

"We're halfway there"


"Livin' on a prayer"

"Take my hand and we'll make it, I swear" I screamed and made a big bang sound on my guitar.

The crowd roared and screamed. I looked towards the crowd and this is all they want to see. 

'Queen Barb!" The rock troll yelled in the crowd.

After that rock performance, I saw King Trollex with Queen Delta Dawn.

"What up!" I said.

"Let's head to your fortress and you'll see what is up with us, "Queen Delta Dawn said.

"Okay, "I said.

We all went towards my fortress. When we got inside towards the middle of the throne room.

I looked at them, crossing my arms.

"So, what is this all about?"I asked.

King Trollex looked at Delta and back at me.

"We came to tell you that you did a great job of comforting Poppy through her breakup with Branch, "King Trollex said.

I snickered and put on the tough girl act.

"I just want to see the Pop Queen, back on her feet, "I said rolling my eyes

"Is that all she is to you?"Queen Delta said.

"Just the Pop Queen, "King Trollex said.

I felt my cheeks burn.

"Yes, that's all she will ever be, "I said.

"Keep telling yourself that, "King Trollex said.

"I will!"I said.

"Stop fighting it! You have feelings for her, "Queen Delta said.

"I don't-"I said.

"You do, you just don't want to admit to yourself, "King Trollex said crossing his arms.

I put my hands up.

"Okay okay maybe I do, so, "I said.

"So?!"Queen Delta said.

"So you need to tell her, "Queen Delta said.

"Then what get rejected, "I said.

"She already has gotten over Branch and she's back to where she is, the happy pop queen I know, "I said.

"She wouldn't have been if it weren't for you, "King Trollex said.

"Guys you don't understand this is how life is for me and no one change that, "I said crossing my arms.

"Now if you excuse me I have my own matters to attend to, "I said.

"Poppy won't wait forever for you, Barb, sooner or later she will be taken again, "King Trollex said.

"Well now she will be off-limits for everyone, "I said.

They both laughed.

"Good luck with that, we'll see you once you get your head in the right place, "King Trollex said.

They both leave.

"They aren't wrong you know, "Riff said.

I turned around.

"They aren't but I can't be with her. Rock trolls and Pop trolls don't mix Riff. For all, we know I can't risk getting my heart broken by a Pop troll, "I said glaring at Riff.

"And by the time I confessed the time, I will get dethroned. We don't want that don't we?"I asked.

"Like that's even possible, the importance is that we all want our rock queen to be happy and live the life you want to. You can't keep your feelings chained up just for us, "Riff said.

"This is what I have to do I can't let my feelings for the Pop Queen to cloud my judgment Riff and that's just the way it has to be, "I said.

(End of Chapter 15)

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