the twelfth letter

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i couldn't recognize you. you looked so scary, like at any second you would kill me because i was the traitor. if i hadn't brought up the blood controlling power, we would've lost.

maybe we should've lost.

i wish we had lost. 

the world is a ever ending chain of pain. i still want to know what you feel. how much pain you're in. i really want to know what happened to us. i want to know how you're doing.

no matter how hard i try not to, i care about you.

why have i written these letters?

i want you to realize what you've done.

you ruined a person.

you ruined me.

i was already falling apart from the wrath of society, and you tore the rest of me apart.

you should've used duct tape to repair me.

you could've done so many things, but the problem is you didn't

you should be conscious of your mistakes. it's ok to make them. i've made many. i just want you to know that no matter how hard you try, i will never be repaired. you won't either. these events traumatize us, but we can't do anything to change it.

maybe it's time you apologized to me.

— serena.

mr. perfectly fine; percy jackson¹Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora