the ninth letter

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this is the part drew needs to know. kronos came to me because i was feeling helpless. as much as i love my sister, i can't handle her problems and mine. it's hard to pretend that i'm fine. all these expectations and responsibilities were piling up towards the sky, and no matter how quickly i finished them, the pile only increased.

kronos came to me because i needed help. i know i shouldn't have agreed, but what choice did i have? i was already dying. i wasn't scared to die in battle because i had nothing to lose. i was so close to cutting the strings already. 

that titan is smart. he knew how to manipulate me. 

but in the end, i can't do anything about it.

i will always be a puppet.

kronos'. and i was yours, too. 

i don't know if being controlled by kronos or you was worse. because when i was following you like a baby duck, i didn't know you were controlling me. i didn't know you did it on purpose. maybe that's why it hurts even more to know that you sacrifice your life for me.

honestly, i don't know why i thought you'd care about a traitor.

the word is spoken like a curse. like sharp glass shards, the word torments me everyday. 


what if they hear about what you did with your little manipulation of liquid trick?

who would be the traitor now?

— serena.

mr. perfectly fine; percy jackson¹Where stories live. Discover now