the third letter

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i miss you. i miss you and your sarcasm, your jokes. you always somehow managed to lighten the mood. how do you do it? how do you stay positive when every piece of news you hear is negative?

i can't. i know i can't, but i try. it's tearing me apart, slowly. but isn't this what you — and everyone else — wants?

me to tear myself apart while trying to pretend to be happy?

you're right. i'm not happy. i'm not fine. are you?

does seeing me like this make you happy?

i really want to know. i want to know everything. what you want. what you like. everything about you. but you won't tell me, won't you?

you wouldn't even tell me your favorite color. do you know how much that hurt? do you have a single piece of sympathy for me?

you probably don't. and i don't expect you to. but it hurts to know that. 

everything hurts, doesn't it?

— serena.

mr. perfectly fine; percy jackson¹Where stories live. Discover now