EP12B: Earth Prime

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Bill used his interdimensional powers to summon all monsters and demons from the Nightmare Realm and spread weirdness, chaos and destruction across the multiverse.

Bill: monsters! ATTACK!

the summoned monsters then charges towards the heroes and the battle has begun...

Anne: hey girls! you ready?!

Sasha: I thought you'd never ask!

Marcy: well, this is better than being controlled by evil minds for a long time!

the three heroes then used their anime powers, and glow like super saiyans and fight the giant Amphibian robot.

the Pines family deal with the one-arm monster.

One-Arm Monster: hey! stop moving so I can eat you!

Dipper: well that's the point! we we're all moving because you're gonna eat us all!

Dipper shouted as he blasts the monster with his alien gun that Ford gave to him.

Mabel: grappling hook shot!

the hook hits the monster's left eye.


Stanley: haha! nice shot, Mabel! now I'll have the other one! AAAHHH!

Stanley climbs on the monster's arm, went for the forehead and punched the right eye.


the Smiths faced the elder monster, Cthulhu. they keep firing the monster with their space guns.

Morty: hey, Summer!

Summer: now's not the time, Morty!

Morty: isn't this monster... s-s-so familiar?!

Summer stopped at shooting.

Summer: oh, yeah. you're right!

Morty: I think we should return the---

Beth then interrupt the fight by giving the baby monster to the elder one. their fight was over, Cthulhu and its baby returned to their own dimension and never come back.

Morty: well, that was quick and easy.

Summer: we should've done that a long time ago.

Beth: yes, you should have.

meanwhile, Luz, King and Eda fights the starfish monster with all of their magic and might!

King: guys! does anybody have water?

Luz: here! catch!

Luz threw a water glyph on King and the glyph formed into a waterball allowing King to drink.

Eda, in harpy mode, slashed the starfish monster's tentacles.

Eda: Luz! finish it!

Luz: here we go!

she combined some glyphs and then she throw it at the monster, causing an explosion and the monster falls down to the ground.

three of them: YEAH!

the starfish immediately stands up.

three of them: OH

the starfish monster's tentacles grew back and then formed into blades and started to spin. they run for their lives and then rescued by Rick. they hid behind a big boulder.

Rick: dammit. you witches are useless without magic! (building something)

Luz: hey! you take that back! Eda is the most powerful witch in the Boiling Isles!

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