Ja ne~

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Once again thanks for reading this story! I put a lot of work and time into it so it means a lot that people paid attention to it!

Quick rant but I wish people would appreciate fanfic writers more because we're doing this all for free cause we want to. It just really pisses me off when people are rude and hateful because the author didn't write it the way they imagined, or wrote about a ship they didn't like. It's a dick move and people like that don't deserve to enjoy this content that's being created for FREE since they're so ungrateful.

It's very simple to just... not read the story and not leave a hate comment... (-_-). Minding your business is FREE.

Anywayssss, hope you can go check out my other works if you haven't. Also I've written some stuff on A03 as well, for any todobaku shippers out there :] I have a link to my account on my profile!

Check out my art account as well! @/katsuo911 on IG. I mainly draw todobaku, but sometimes my versions of '[m/n]' from my stories.

A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders cause now I can just focus on Blood Bath XD. I didn't forgot about that story, just wanted to focus on finishing this one first.

And remember, be kind to the content creators in fandoms, we're people too...

Ok I'm done now, lol

Into The Unknown (Boku no hero academia x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now