"Natsuo, apologise to him." Endeavour spoke more firmly

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude to our replacement." Natsu spat at the pro. He placed his empty bowl down on the desk and got up "Thanks for the meal." He walked over to the door and stood there for a few seconds "I came. That's enough, right? Sorry, nee-chan, I can't do this..." he shut the door behind him.

"I-I didn't mean..." [m/n] trailed off, his eyes were glossed over but he quickly blinked the tears away and stood up "I— I have to go to the bathroom" he forced a smile and rush out of the room.

"I'm so sorry..." Fuyumi spoke "it wasn't supposed to happen like this..."

"I'll go check up on him" Bakugou began standing up

"Me too" Midoriya said

"No. You guys stay" Todoroki stood up "I should go." The other two looked at each other then back at Todoroki before sitting down, letting him go alone.

When Todoroki reached the guest bathroom, he could hear sniffles and water running. He stood in front of the door for a few seconds before knocking. The water stopped and some time had passed before the door slide open revealing [m/n] with redden eyes.

"Hey..." Todoroki said

"I shouldn't have said anything..."

"It's fine."

"I'm not trying to replace you—or Fuyumi-nee or Natsuo-san..."

"I know."

"Did you ever think... did you think that's what I was doing?"


"I'm sorry... I ruined the dinner"

"It probably would've turned out like this either way" Todoroki shrugged "Come on, let's head back"

"Hn..." [m/n] followed Todoroki back

The rest of dinner was eaten in an awkward and uncomfortable silence. Afterwards they began cleaning up, Midoriya, Bakugou, and [m/n] helped out as well.

Todoroki and Fuyumi wiped down the table and gathered the dished, Midoriya and Bakugou carried them back to the kitchen where [m/n] was helping Endeavour with washing up.

Since dinner [m/n] hadn't said anything, even now as he stood next to Endeavour, helping him wash the dishes in his house, he had nothing to say. None of his burning questions came to mind. Nothing.

"I have it from here."

"H-Huh?" [m/n] looked up at the man

"You can go now."

"Oh... ok" he nodded, wiped his hands off on one of the rags and left the kitchen. He made his way to the dinning room to see if there's anything he could help out with there. But stopped when he heard Midoriya's voice echo through the walls.

"—getting ready so you can forgive him... if you really hate your dad, then I think it's fine to not be able to forgive him..." he said "But, you're a really kind person, so it looks to me like you're waiting. I'm sure that's the phase you're in right now."

"Izuku..." [m/n] smiled to himself and continued towards them, just about to turn a corner.

He always knows what to sa—

[m/n] stopped when he almost bumped into Natuso. He pursed his lips and kept his eyes down, stepping back and letting the older rush by him. He looked up from the ground watching Natsuo leave the house. His eyes glanced back and they locked eyes for a brief moment but they both looked away and continued to where they were going.

Into The Unknown (Boku no hero academia x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now