Chapter 25:- If not for Nate sir I wouldn't be alive today.

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Jesus Christ!!

Is this b***h a blood sucking leech or something?

Can I murder someone and escape from being convicted?
If so then I want to murder that Clara Miller not with my bare hands though,as I don't want to touch her even if it is to kill her.

She is still breathing in the same room as mine because she is Mr Miller's daughter. If not for that polite, respectful and loyal old man I would have banned her out of my life.

I so regret not bringing King with me today,my son would have scared the hell out of her, however this is the first woman who didn't care about my warnings rather she has become more bold and shameless that now she is openly trying to seduce me.

Something is fishy about her! I have this bad feeling about her sudden arrival and her true intentions.

After calming myself in Sanvi's office we were now back in the meeting room for discussing about appointing the said b**, I mean model.

And thanks to Eli and Sanvi she was sitting farther away from me, Otherwise I would have forgot that she is a woman and exploded then and there.

The only problem is that her seat is directly facing mine and Sanvi's.

Even though I won't raise my hand at a woman,I so badly wanted to slap her... No offense to other females out there. But she deserves it and is definitely a disgrace to whole female population but my granny raised me better than to raise my hand on a woman. 


Now this b***h was leaning on the table, and I think that rather than sitting on the chair her body is hanging in air .

Umm, will it be disrespectful if I ask Joel to kick the chair? so that, when she is going to sit her a** down she will meet the floor instead of the chair.

Damm!! that would be a proper show and it will be a lot funnier.

I don't feel bad about my evil plans for her, maybe I should, but I don't.
As that female dog was literally bending over the glass table. It's disgusting to say the least, her father tried to stop her many times, however she just ignored her father and got back on bending over and seducing the table I think, as no human gave her any attention.

I feel sympathized for Mr Miller, he has got such a shameless human in the form of daughter.


I was sitting on the front along with Sanvi, who had grabbed my hand under the table to calm me down.

Which worked a lot.

I would have blushed furiously if it was some other situation as Sanvi was softly drawing circles on my hand under the table to calm me, but now I was red because of anger.

I was royally pissed at that b***h..

She has been giving a free show from god knows how many minutes. She should actually feel insulted because no one in here is really paying attention to her cheap tricks or her upper barely clothed body, rather than being attracted to her everyone are gagging or throwing disgusting stares in her direction, some are just ignoring her existence like Sanvi.

And Eli simply sneered at her in disgust.

Ms Miller we are not here for a strip show, so please sit on your seat properly and close those buttons of your shirt which you purposely opened, When you thought that no one was watching you. Let's be little professional here Ms Miller, you are a very well known model and you are disappointing everyone here by your unprofessional ways." Sanvi sternly stated and that female dog had the audacity to roll her eyes and scoff at Sanvi.

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