Chapter 16:- Nate as in Nathaniel Rossi

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"Come in Mr Knight,Mr Romano." Jacob
welcomed us into his penthouse.

I gave him a curt nod and entered his Penthouse subtly dragging Eli who was busy ogling a artifact which stood proudly infront of Jacob's penthouse.
I rolled my eyes at the weird antics of my best friend.

You both just wear a facade of cold hearted billionaire's ,in reality you both are a giant teddy bear.nothing else.
I can now seriously understand why you both are bestfriend's .my conscience commented..
I sighed heavily at my oh-so-supporting conscience.(pure sarcasm)

"Mr Knight, Mr Romano please have a seat,would you like to have something?" Jacob ushered us to sit on one of the couch in the living room and looked at us expectantly.

Yes can I have Egyptian whiskey.....

Nah, you cannot... You don't want Jacob to know about the oh-so-innocent Lucas.
My conscience chided at me..
Well I behave childishly when I am drunk...
So yeah,

I glanced at Eli and when he was about to open his mouth for an answer,I swiftly cut him off, knowing Eli he would surely ask for a black coffee,which he has already had 4 cups...
He will be super active... No not good for me..

"Water is just enough, and Jacob ,call us Lucas and El-- Michael. No need to be so formal in here." I informed Jacob politely.
... I think,while Eli glared at me.

Yeah, yeah you literally commanded him, as if he is one of your employees... Look at that poor fellow,here he is helping us and you are scaring the shit out of him,by that icy cold stare of yours,we want him alive not frozen. My conscience piped in.

So I tried to smile at Jacob,a slight twitch, which I think came out more like a grimace,as he visibly tensed and tried to smile at us and hurriedly informed one of his maids to bring water for us.

After that we fell into a very awkward silence,few seconds later,by sensing that no one was ready to break the ice first, Eli took it upon himself to end this extremely painful silence and asked Jacob about the topic for which we actually came here, without giving much of a thought to anything else..
I cancelled my two meetings for this...
I clenched my fist,while thinking about that thing which made me do it.

"Oh!! Uh!! Yeah, actually it may take a while for me to find that ,as it's been a very long time, almost 5 years to be precise.. so, I will search that ... In the mean time if you need anything,just call Aunt Carly,she will be at your service. "
We just nodded our head simultaneously, which recieved a shocked look from Jacob,me and Eli are now familiar to those looks,he nodded at us and left for his room,.. I think.
By now I was bouncing my left leg in anticipation...
Where the hell is this Jacob?
Oh f*****g hell!! I have never been so nervous in my life..
Eli placed his hand on my left knee and said.

"Lucy,calm down,it's going to be alright.. ok!! No need to stress yourself about this,it's all in the past nothing else.. we are just here to know more .. hmm, and for f**k sake stop shaking your legs,it's annoying as hell." I shoot him a look, which said shut-the-hell-up.
Which he promptly ignored and started drumming on the teapoy..
I gave him a are-you-serious-look....
It was also ignored by my dear bestfriend.
He has the habit of drumming when he is nervous,and this idiot has the audacity to calm me down, bloody idiot; he himself is nervous as hell, and why is he anxious by the way?
I rolled my eyes at him.
Eli is just unbelievable

First my marriage, now this... Wow.
I groaned in misery...
God!! Why ? Why is this happening to me?
I remembered the incident which led us here, without a single thought about anything else.

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