CHAPTER 6:- It's an Arrange Marriage.

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I sat there staring at the pictures, they look so lively,the people in the picture look so happy,cute and only one word could be used and that is magical,yes it looked magical, because their smiles and love in their eyes looked beyond belief and I was jealous while looking at it,why can't I be like this? Why can't I have this? And suddenly I heard someone's footsteps,and just as I heard it ,my face had a smile,of course why wouldn't it have it ,I have been waiting so long to meet this person,so I once again try to find the source of my smile, I run and run in this mansion, but i find none,i feel so dejected that I don't know what to do, atleast I thought today was it, today was the day when I would meet the person in my dreams,and suddenly i feel like someone tapped my shoulders, while i turn assuming that he is the one,but when i look at the person grinning ear to ear,I scream, ,no ,no and run and run and when l reached the main door,I knew he was following me,so I tried to open the door, but it won't open at all,just as I thought he was going to find me I screamed and suddenly I felt someone knocking on the door and calling my name,and I opened the door frantically.

I woke up as soon as I opened the door in my dream, what the hell? Why would these things come in my dream. And suddenly I heard knocking on my door,and heard bhai on the other side, saying me to wake up and get ready as we have to leave for India.

Oh ! Right, I have to get married,I thought it would be a dream. But why would my luck help me,I mean come on,can anyone believe this,I am getting married, which I thought would not happen at least not till I am dead and if there is rebirth,then we could see about that,and the more shocking reality, Lucas Knight said yes to marriage,I mean really why would that man say yes now.I mean that stupid fellow couldn't say no or what.
Just as I was cursing my soon to be husband,ew,, It doesn't sound good at all, well coming to the topic,my brother screamed this time,so I said him that I am going to get ready.

Well I did go to get ready,I showered and did my business and wore a denim jumpsuit and sneakers,my watch, rings and  simple diamond earrings,did my hair in a loose braid and wore the same products for and I applied some perfume and went to living room with my handbag and sunglasses. Well I think I am forgetting something,well never mind,I will remember it gradually if it was so important.

As i went to the living room,I saw suitcases, and that's when my i remembered what I forgot,my suitcase,wow! Just because I have everything in our house in Bangalore,it doesn't mean that I shouldn't take anything with me,oh god I can't believe this,so I was just about to escape from there without anyone noticing me,but alas! My bestie loves it whenever I make a fool of myself and I just have to give her another reason don't I ?

"Sanu,where are you going? And where is your suitcase? Don't say me you forgot to bring the suitcase from your room,oh god Sanu don't tell me you are so excited for your marriage that you thought it was ok to forget your precious luggage, your luggage is precious than that boy ok. believe me if you said yes about your excitement towards your marriage, even as a joke,I wouldn't trust your words for a single second, because I know that you already want to strangle Lucas with your bare hands,but don't do it,ok.don't." she said,well she got half of the things right,as I didn't just forget my suitcase in my room, but I also forgot to pack my clothes in it,and about strangling Lucas I have been doing it from the moment he said yes,and yes my luggage is precious than Lucas.

As I didn't really had more time,I said to Ana  that I am going to bring my luggage,and I seriously ran to my room, thank god I was wearing sneakers,I started packing my necessary items in the suitcase,well it was more like 2 dresses,2 jeans,2 crop tops,1 jumpsuit,1 salwar, 1 pair of sneakers,1 pair of wedges and 1 pair of sandals and finally 2 night dresses,then 1 jacket. My rings,watch and earings and my most important thing. My laptop, ipad,and my sunglasses,my books,charger well I do have power bank, but still.And I think I had everything I need,and even if I didn't I could just get it in my house,and my mumma has a whole fashion company,so need to stress about,I was about to close when I remembered,oh god undergarment, yeah right I packed everything and closed my suitcase and dragged it outside.

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