The Takedown

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Cecily couldn't help but pace in the tiny alley where she was waiting with Alice and Demetri. Edward, Rosalie and Emmett had gone ahead to scope around the building and double check the best point of entry. If everything turned out okay, then they were going to break in that night and look around.

If it was heavily guarded, they were going to have to come back after another strategizing session. Cecily was getting antsy to finish this up and get back to Forks. She rubbed her hands up and down her arms even though she wasn't cold. She had donned something lightweight and dark - they all had - in the hopes it would help with the stealth. Granted they could all move fast enough that no camera would catch them. Or person, for that matter.

"Would you relax? I told you it would be fine," Alice said.

"Yea, but you weren't too keen on the details," Cecily muttered, looking back out to the darkened street again.

"I told you that we won't get caught," Alice said, rolling her eyes.

"But that could change at any minute depending on whoever inside decides to change their mind," Cecily retorted. "Or one of us decides at the last minute to go off book."

"I think we should all stay calm," Demetri said reasonably. Cecily just glared at him.

"Well that was fun," Emmett said with a smile as he, Rosalie and Edward reappeared in the alley. Cecily immediately walked up to them.

"What did you find out?" she asked.

"Standard security procedures. Guards. Cameras at every entrance," Rosalie said. "Nothing we can't handle."

A smile appeared on Cecily's face.

"So we can go in now?" she asked.

"We still don't know how many people are inside," Edward said with a frown.

He was against breaking in that night, even if they did find minimal security, thinking it better to go back and plan more.

"Do not slow my jam, Eddie," Cecily said, frowning at him.

"I just think it wouldn't hurt to spend a few days watching the place until we had a better idea of what we were going up against," he replied. "Surely the rest of you think so as well."

He looked around the group.

"I'm with Cess. Let's do this," Emmett replied.

"I have to look out for him," Rosalie said.

"I think you know who I side with," Demetri said.

Edward looked at Alice, though he was already outnumbered.

"It'll be fine," she said, offering him a small smile.

"Alright. Where's the best place to get in?" Cecily asked.

"There's a window around back. Not any cameras and I think we can get it open without drawing too much attention," Rosalie said. "We watched it a bit and no one came around inside."

"Then let's do this. Remember - in and out. We're just after any evidence that could connect the politicians to the group and that proves this syndicate exists," Cecily said, looking around the group. "I don't want anyone getting hurt or trying to play the hero."

Her eyes fell on Demetri a bit longer.

"You have my word," he said with a sigh.

"Let's go..."


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