An Unexpected Guest

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Cecily watched as the snow fell outside the window from their war room. Another month had passed and winter was setting in. She hated snow in New York City. It would start out pretty enough but quickly turned to gray slush and made getting anywhere incredibly annoying.

But here, it was enchanting. Beautiful. Clean.

And it helped that she was no longer affected by the temperature. Cecily could stand out in it for hours and never get cold. It was a welcomed change. Winter in New York - she felt like she could never stay warm.

But right now, watching the snowfall helped calm her. They still weren't making progress on the investigation and Cecily was getting antsy - what she would give to go out and do the footwork herself. While she had come to love the Cullen house, it was starting to feel a bit suffocating.

Just a few more months.

Cecily would then hit the one-year mark and hopefully be free to go out into populated areas. Since getting back from Volterra, they had started testing her a bit, taking her closer to the borders of La Push and Forks where the scent of human blood was stronger. While she hadn't gone into Forks, Cecily had gone over to Sam's house with Paul once and met the other wolves. It was uncomfortable at first - being so close to humans - but after the first 30 minutes, she had loosened up. She completely forgot about the burning after an hour.

Helped that the strong wolf smell drowned it out a bit.

Also helped that Alice and the others had finally dropped the whole Demetri subject. As more time passed and there was still no word from Volterra, Cecily was beginning to think that perhaps she could put it behind her. Granted, the damn man was still never far from her thoughts. The heaviness in her chest was still there as well, but Cecily pushed it aside, forcing her thoughts to stay focused on the investigation.

"Thought I'd find you up here," Rosalie said, walking into the room.

Cecily turned to face her, smiling slightly.

"Was just thinking," she replied. "For some reason, watching the snow helps. Still waiting to hear back from the hackers."

"Were they able to track down those accounts?" Rosalie asked.

"Some of them. Still can't seem to find the connection to the group, though. Not surprised. It's not like anyone puts their real names on secret accounts," Cecily said dryly. "I'm beginning to think these guys may have cleared out of Seattle."

"Probably," Rosalie said. "But in a few months you'll be good to travel. Maybe we can go back to New York and pick up the trail there."

"What about no one seeing me?" Cecily asked, slightly surprised at the suggestion.

"Have you seen Alice's wig collection? And we've both got mad makeup skills. Trust me. By the time we're done with you, no one will recognize you," Rosalie replied. Cecily nodded, looking back out the window. "You want to go hunt? It could help..."

Cecily thought it over and then nodded. Perhaps getting outside and hunting could work off some of the anxious energy coursing through her. Or well, her mind.

"Yea, sounds like a good idea," Cecily replied.

The two made their way downstairs, seeing Emmett on the sofa watching a basketball game.

"College ball?" Cecily asked.

"Yep. You in?" he asked without looking at her.

"We're going hunting," Rosalie said.

"Alright!" Emmett replied.

"Catch ya later!" Cecily called out as they dashed out of the house and into the forest.

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