"Xuezhang! I like you!"

Xiao Zhan was stunned speechless.

He had never expected to be confessed to by a xuedi he'd just met.

And this was the first time he had heard such a serious confession.

For an alpha to hit on him was not unusual. After all, omegas had inherent appeal for alphas, even an omega like Xiao Zhan. It wasn't that no one wanted him, but most of those alphas weren't looking for relationships, just wanting to subdue him. Some of them even deliberately released their pheromones in an attempt to take him down. In any case, no one had ever spoken to him with such sincerity.

Words like "I like you" - no one had ever said them to him seriously.

"......just because I helped you?"

Xiao Zhan couldn't understand it at all. He had helped a lot of people younger than him, but he had never met anyone who would give their heart to him before.

Wang Yibo's courage seemed to have been spent in the confession just now, so now he panicked again, "Ah, I don't know...... Any-anyway, I just like Xuezhang......"

Xiao Zhan frowned.

Not even knowing why he liked him, what was up with this person.

Although the confession just now surprised him a little, after snapping out of it, Xiao Zhan didn't feel that the alpha in front of him with this weak character was his type.

But for the sake of the other person, he decided to still give him a chance.

"Release some pheromone."


"Let me smell your pheromones. If it's strong enough, I'll consider it."

This was Xiao Zhan's greatest concession. A weak personality could be improved with training over time, but nothing could be done if the pheromone was too weak.

After hearing this, Wang Yibo stood still, motionless, who knew what he was thinking. After a long time, he mumbled, "My pheromone is very weak...... almost scentless, but I really, really like you -"

"Stop," Xiao Zhan cut off his words mercilessly, "Thank you for liking me, but what I'm looking for is an alpha with pheromones strong enough to calm my own. You are not suitable, so give up."

Wang Yibo froze, then the eagerness in his eyes disappeared a little, even the light of his eyes dimmed a bit and the original brown-green became dull.


He bowed his head, pulling his tall body down, so that Xiao Zhan couldn't help but think of his big docile golden retriever when he was wronged. He reached out and rubbed his head instinctually, "So timid and obedient, no wonder others wanted to bully you."

Wang Yibo waited for Xiao Zhan to finish rubbing his head before he looked up. The depression in his expression had not faded, but he gave a soft smile because of this action, "Xuezhang, can I still live with you? I absolutely will never mess around."

Xiao Zhan thought it over, this alpha was exactly as his aunt said, totally nonthreatening, so he wasn't worried about being attacked. Even if the other student really attacked him, he should be able to take him out.

"Fine, you stay here for a while, and if you don't behave, I'll kick you out."

The corners of Wang Yibo's mouth fell again, "Don't kick me out, Xuezhang, I'll be very good......"

"I'll be watching your behavior," Xiao Zhan didn't relent.

After making a unilateral agreement, Xiao Zhan actively took on his responsibility as an upperclassman, helping Wang Yibo organize his luggage and mentioning some tips about the room. During the conversation, he learned that the principal is Wang Yibo's paternal uncle. No wonder he could use his connections to specify his dorm room.

Xiao Zhan had at first been annoyed that someone wanted to live with him, but now he didn't feel the same. Wang Yibo was just like a large pet, well-behaved, letting him do as he pleased. All the pet owner responsibilities like hygiene were even taken care of. Apart from being a little too enthusiastic, he was the ideal roommate.

Fine, let's just raise this pet.



1. Xuezhang (学长): respectful form of address to an upperclassman;

2. Xiao di (小弟): literally younger brother, slang for minion/henchman

3. xuedi (学弟): underclassman, male


Thanks a lot for reading! Hope you enjoyed.

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