Chapter 2: Haunted

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"Home at last." Shadow says relieved. He didn't even want to go to the picnic originally because his G.U.N assignment was just as long as the picnic would be  and he would miss out and the thought of the mission  alone already made him exhausted but Rouge was convincing enough to make him go.

Shadow walked into his house  and is greeted by his dark chao named Chara.
Giving him endless cuddles
"Hey Chara." he says with a slight smile
"Chao chao." Chara responds.
"You missed me?"Shadow asks.
Chao Chao Chara answers gleefully.

Shadow looks at the picture of the entire crew together after defeating Eggman for the thousandth time and also defeating Infinite.It was the  last group picture that they took together before that five year hiatus. "Good times" Shadow says to himself   "Although I  was exhausted, it was honestly amazing to see everybody after a couple of years."

He looks at where Him,Omega, and Rouge are. "I miss that damn robot."  Shadow says. Omega had been locked in G.U.N's maintenance room in standby mode ever since  the team defeated  Infinite as ordered by   The President of G.U.N , it was said  he was supposed to be getting upgrades while he was there but  neither Rouge or Shadow have been updated on his status for a while. Shadow lets out a sad sigh after remembering what happened to him. He slowly started to be more fixed on Amy.  "Wow she really has grown up so much since we first met." Shadow says. He later thinks about how she looked earlier today and compares from five years ago to now.

"She really has." he admits. "And in all the best ways too." he says with a slightly devilish grin
Shadow catches himself for a moment "Damn  I feel strange I must be going mad."He says.

Chara  nudges Shadow softly. "You must be hungry." Shadow says
"Let's go Chara."he says with a crooked smile

He yawned and stretched. "No matter anyway. I need to sleep." he says.

After feeding Chara, Shadow heads upstairs to his room it was already quarter until 9:00 p.m  and he was feening to go to sleep

However the peaceful sleep wouldn't be so peaceful.

Shadow starts walking down the street going about his typical business when  he hears A familiar evil cackle in the background.

"Show yourself!" Shadow says aggressively.
The laughing continues but from a right angle

Shadow darts his head to the right and the apparition  disappears.

"That laugh..."Shadow says.
He darts his head to the left and then again, the apparition disappears.

"After all of these years, you still forget me" The voice said.

Shadow gasps he looks right in front of him and finally recognizes that voice

"Mephiles!"Shadow exclaims
"Chaos- " before Shadow could complete his chaos spear Mephiles stabs him, the same way he did Sonic.

Shadow wakes up abruptly panting in a cold sweat.

He looks over to his phone to see the time and it was already  5:45 a.m, close enough to sunrise.

He moves over to the side of the bed and looks out the window.

"What was that all about, I haven't heard or seen that bastard in years, why does he show up in my dreams now?" Shadow ponders to himself.

"Let alone, him killing me." he continues.
"It almost happened once but there's no way in hell he's coming back."

Shadow's watch automatically turns on.

"Shadow the Hedgehog please  report  your status."
Says the man on the Intercom.

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