Chapter 26: Premonitions

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Lexi and Isabella were setting the table for dinner. They were both a little nervous, mainly Isabella. She agreed to Bailey's idea at the bar. Lexi took the liberty of arranging everything.

Lexi looked at Isabella, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah i'm fine" Isabella said placing forks on napkins.

Lexi eyed her, "You wanna try that again, maybe a little more believable?"

Isabella exhaled, "I'm just a little nervous, that's all."

Lexi put down the stack of plates she was holding and went to Isabella.

"Hey, it's not too late. We can call this off." Lexi said giving her hands a squeeze.

"No, I want to do this. I think we should do this. It's time I finally let myself be vulnerable, and understand what you want. I need to find a way to move on from my demons sexually as well. I can't let what happened to me change me forever." Isabella said heavily.

Lexi wrapped her arms around Isabella.

"I am so proud of you for doing this with me." Lexi said kissing the side of her head. She pulled out of the hug slowly. "I promise, you are going to love Allison."

Sam was in his apartment, scrolling through the pictures of him and Jason on his phone. The tears he held back started to surface and he threw the phone across the room. He cradled his head in his hands letting his emotions take control. He thought about Lexi. His sadness turned to anger as he went to his bedroom closet. He held the stiletto shoe she left behind, bringing more tears to his eyes and more pain to his heart.

The bar televisions switched to the news. Customers paid close attention as the news reporter spoke.

"Another man found dead outside his loft. The police believe to have found a pattern in victimology, men should be careful around people they do not know. Women should take precaution as well as we do not have enough information at this time to say otherwise. More to come on the Virginia Man Killer after this."

She drove to meet Isabella and Lexi. A bottle of red wine swishing in the passenger seat. Her hair perfectly styled and positioned. Her lipstick a light shade of scarlet, her blue eyes popping from the sunset faded eyeshadow. She pulled into the parking garage, opening the door with one hand and grabbing the wine with the other. Her high heels hitting the concrete one at a time, powerfully shaping her legs just the way she wanted. She made her way up to Isabella's room number. Her nails curled into a fist as she knocked on the door.

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