Chapter 21: Fate

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Lexi was getting ready for tonight. She showered, shaved everything, put on a robe, blow-dried, and started prepping her hair. She used rollers for loose curls.

While waiting for her curls to form, she did her makeup. Dark purple lipstick, a subtle winged liner, shimmery neutral tones fading into one another along her lid. Tonight was the night she took back her confidence.

She listened to music as she got ready. She liked to pretend she was the star of a music video. She did the rest of her makeup and puckered her lips for a kiss to herself in the mirror.

She walked over to her makeshift closet at all the new dresses she bought. She slipped into a little black dress, feeling like a motherfucking badass. She put on her criss-crossed stilettos. She looked into Sam's full length mirror and liked what she saw.

She danced around to the music for a little bit before heading back into the bathroom to do her hair. She took the rollers out letting the loose curls fall subtly along her head. She hair looked like she was a full blown model.

"If you want it... Come and get it" she said with the music.

She grabbed her purse and headed to her car, driving to the bar. On the way there she saw a man on the street, looking for a good time. She pulled over and told him,

"Get in, it's free."

They drove to an alley and they did it in her car. When she was done she told him to get out so they could do it against the wall. When he got out she pushed him down, stepping through him with her stiletto heel. Feeling sexually and emotionally satisfied.

She took off her shoes and put them in her car. She got in and turned up the music in her car listening to the same song. She bit her lip and sped up a little, adrenaline rushing through her body. She arrived at the bar.

She walked in holding her shoes, heading to the bathroom to wash the blood off. She got rid of all the evidence and waited for Allison to show up.

Allison walked in around midnight. The bar had emptied a bit. Lexi looked up to meet her eyes, she waved her over.

"Hey, sorry I couldn't get here sooner" Allison said

"It's okay" Lexi said crossing her legs.

Allison smiled, "You look very different outside of work." She said before looking at her phone at an incoming text.

Lexi giggled, "Barista by day, badass by night."

"So where is Sam? I thought he was gonna be here too?" She asked knowing exactly where he was.

"He is actually on a date, which i'm super excited to hear about later. He is really into the guy." She said before making a sad face.

Allison noticed. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just not sure if he is gonna tell me anything" Lexi said.

"Why wouldn't he? You guys are best friends."

"Well, I recently went through a breakup so he is walking on eggshells a little."

Allison placed a hand on Lexi's shoulder, "I'm sorry to hear that."

"Is your breakup the reason you weren't at work the other day?" Allison asked.

Lexi looked up with puppy dog eyes, "You noticed I wasn't there?" she asked.

Allison giggled, "of course I noticed. Do you think I come to Little Bean for the coffee?"

Lexi laughed feeling a little embarrassed. She tucked her hair behind her ear. Was Allison hitting on her? She didn't want to be insensitive to Isabella, but if there was a time to see if anything was there it was now.

"If I had known you were single I would have just asked you out" Allison said upfront.

Lexi smirked, "Well then maybe it's fate"

"What's fate?"

"That Sam couldn't make it." Lexi said

"Oh yeah?" Allison asked flirtatiously.

Lexi held Allison's hand and pulled her onto the dance floor. Turning back to look at her.

"Stay here" She said.

Lexi put on a song.

"This can be our date." Lexi said interlocking fingers with Allison.

They looked into each other's eyes smiling.

Allison wrapped her arms around Lexi's neck, Lexi's hands around Allison's waist. The gap closing between them more and more until there was none.

They started out slow, sensual, and flirty. Innocent and sweet. Staring into each others eyes nervous with excitement. Butterflies in both of their stomachs.

The song eventually became more up beat and they followed the beat. Swaying their hips against each other. Teasing each other's bodies. Allison's rosy cheeks blushing at Lexi's touch.

They laughed and separated to do some actual dance moves. Lexi spun Allison and Allison dipped Lexi in return. They drank more shots and just started jumping around dancing, singing along.

They were having so much fun they didn't even notice the bar start to clear. Few by few people started leaving, last call being 1am.

Julio looked over at Lexi and did something purely out of the kindness of his heart.

"Lexi. Close up when you and your friend are done. I already rang u up for one more bottle so don't drink more than that... have a good night Alexa." Julio gave her only the key to the front door and left the two together.

Lexi giggled with Allison making faces of 'what just happened'

They went back to dancing close. Their faces were so close, all Lexi could think about was kissing her. She held off a little longer scared, spinning Allison around the room.

They did moves from the 50's, 60's, 70's, and 80's. Quite literally dancing as if no one was watching. They came back to their original position of their bodies pressed together dancing.

Allison slowed down as the song started coming to an end.

"I like this date" She giggled.

Her laugh made Lexi laugh, "Me too." Lexi said out of breath.

Scared and nervous they kept dancing until their was nothing to dance to.

They stared into each other's eyes, eye contact wandering back and forth from their lips.

Allison couldn't hold back any longer and nervously took the leap.

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