Chapter 9: April 3rd, 2020

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She didn't notice at first. Her reality was masked by the laughter and charm of the men she had just met. She didn't even notice the point in time where Liza's hand had slipped away from hers. Everyone was talking at once, the forest was spinning, and it had been minutes since she last heard Liza's laugh.

"Wh-where is the beer pong?" Isabella asked trying to be stronger than the alcohol.

All she could see were trees, darkness, and what looked to be a cabin in the distance.

"Where's Liza?" Isabella asked.

She looked at the man keeping her from falling down, "She was excited and ran ahead of us, we have everything set up in there" he said politely.

Isabella had a knot in her stomach, she couldn't tell if it was from the booze or from not knowing where Liza was.

"Just a little bit further, I got you" the man said in a comforting tone.

Isabella kept walking until they had reached the cabin. It was dark, and the room smelt like aged whiskey. The moonlight shone through enough for her to see the room, but her eyes adjusted to the darkness soon enough. Then she saw her, Liza. She was bound to a small bed, trying to stay conscious. Three guys stood around her with drinks in their hands, smiling at their work.

"Wha- What's going on?" Isabella asked the other man she had walked with.

He spoke close into her ear, "That was quite a show you two put on for us back there, very sexy."

The knot in Isabella's stomach tightened as he continued to speak, cornering her closer to Liza.

"I have to say, my boys and I felt a little excluded... right guys?" The men in the room nodded, following his lead. "But don't worry" he said pushing Isabella onto the bed with Liza, "We're giving you a chance to make it up to us" A malicious grin followed his words.

Isabella looked at Liza, her auburn hair draped over her chest, almost as if positioned by one of the guys. Liza's hands were tied together above her head, she was so drunk she could barely function. Isabella looked at the 5 men surrounding her, they were waiting with anticipation.

"Make out with her" one of them called out.

The others audibly encouraged the idea. She shook her head, her eyes filling with tears.

"Did my boy stutter?" Another man asked.

And that's when she heard it, the undeniable sound of a gun cocking. She closed her eyes not wanting to know who was holding it or where it was, but she could feel that it was on her.

It was silent for a moment before a new voice spoke, "Did he not make himself clear?" there was a pause before he spoke again, "Do it!"

Isabella nodded as her body trembled. She leaned over to Liza, trying to kiss her.

"Like you mean it" one voice said.

"and talk dirty to her" said another.

The voices started to blend together and it became harder to distinguish the men from each other; she could only piece together three of them. Isabella opened her eyes and watched her own tear drip onto Liza's face. She wanted to protect the love of her life, so she did as she was told.

Isabella's voice trembled, "...Hey sexy" she said kissing close to Liza's ear. Nothing about this felt natural.

Liza heard her name and recognized the sound of Isabella's voice, "Bells, is that you?" she asked unaware of what was happening.

"Yeah baby, it's me" Isabella answered before going in to kiss her.

Liza turned her head away, still groggy. "I'm so tired" she said softly. A tear rolled down her face as Liza said the words fed to her, "but, I still want you Bella." Her eyes glanced downwards

Isabella tried to hold in how badly she wanted to cry. She looked up at one of the men, unsure what to do.

"You heard the lady, she wants you. Go down on her" he instructed.

Isabella saw the gun in his hand and looked at Liza, "Im so sorry."

She slowly pulled Liza's bikini bottoms down, low enough for her mouth to access. She started doing as she had been instructed. Liza let out small whimpers, but was too wasted to give the guys the full extent of what they wanted.

"Alright this is a waste of time, you fools got her too drunk to do anything" a man said pulling Isabella away from Liza and onto the floor. He grabbed Liza and the gun, "I'll take care of her, don't wait for me. I'll be back" he said leaving the cabin with her.

Isabella tried to scream when she heard the gunshot, but she was too paralysed to move. Bella hugged her knees, the voice she dreaded had returned.

"Your turn, and you better not disappoint" he said as two men dragged her onto the bed.

Her eyes were too flooded with tears to see, she kept replaying the gunshot in her mind over and over. She kept her head down as the men barked orders at her.

"Take your bikini off, throw it on the floor, and spread your legs" the man with the gun demanded.

Isabella slowly started to undo her bikini straps. She heard whistles and crude comments as she did so from the other guys. They seemed so proud of what they were doing. She laid on the bed, naked, exposing herself to the men as directed.

"Eric. Jason. You get her first."

She didn't know who was who, but now she had names. She kept repeating those names to herself inside her head so she wouldn't forget, but it didn't prevent her from feeling all that was being done to her in the moment.

She eventually blacked out from the pain. When she woke up, she was bent over the side of the bed. Watching four of the men pleasure themselves as the fifth got closer to completion with each thrust. She tried to move, but her head kept getting pushed down against the mattress. She cried out muffled moans of pain as he prolonged his climax. All she wanted was for this night to be over.

The man pulled her hair far enough back to whisper in her ear, "Ive been waiting all night to have my fun. Try and stay awake sweetheart, youre gonna want to remember this."

She knew exactly who was inside of her. She braced herself knowing he was far from finished with his new human sex toy.

She woke up the next morning on the beach. She was in her bikini, laying atop a pillow and blanket as if she chose to spend the night there. She thought it was all a bad dream, until she looked at the bruises along her thighs.

It wasn't a dream, it was real. Like the man said she would, Isabella remembered it.

She remembered Liza being killed, she remembered being raped repeatedly by different men, and she remembered the initial smell of aged whiskey.

Isabella was frozen. She wanted to look for Liza, but she couldn't move. All she could do was sit there, staring at the ocean, crying. She hated herself.

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