Chapter 10: Little Bean

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A few days had passed since Jason asked Sam out. Meanwhile ever since Allison and Alexa's interaction, she has become a regular at The Little Bean.

"Iced Blonde White Mocha with light ice, an herbal tea, and an egg sausage and cheese croissant." Alexa called out.

Allison walked up to the counter, "By now it would be easier to just say my name." She giggled.

Lexi laughed with her. Hearing her laugh made Lexi smile, it made her want to laugh along.

"You've been in here every day this week so far." Lexi stated

"Well, work keeps me busy. I might as well enjoy the environment and company I choose to do it in"

Alexa smiled. "Give my thanks to your work" she beamed.

Allison picked up her items. "You should come join me on your break. If that's something you would want to do."

This was the hard part about being bisexual. Sometimes it's nothing, and sometimes it's something.

"I'd love to, corner table as usual?" She asked.

Allison gave a flirty scoff, "So you have been watching me now huh?"

"Just good customer service" Lexi teased back. She turned to take the next customer just to find out it's,

"Sam? What are you doing here, you hate coffee" Alexa asked him.

"True, but I love you and you wanna know what else we love? Cute baby bar gay being NON RESPONSIVE. He still hasn't texted me." Sam ranted.

"Sammy I have customers-"

"They can wait!" He turned around to a woman crossing her arms. "No offense"

"Ignore him, i'll get your usual; $3.48" Lexi said to the woman, ringing her up.

Sam entered the kiosk, putting on a hat trying to blend in.

"Lex he asked. Me. Out." He ranted again. "Cute bar guy asked me out and we danced and it was so scrumptious, but he still hasn't called or texted me."

"Sam! It's only Wednesday! He might be busy i dont know WORKING!" She hinted. "And we are talking about the same guy that threw a martini in your face right?"

"Yeah and?"

She shook her head "Just making sure i'm up to speed"

"ALEXA KEEP UP, what do I do??? I don't want to just wait around for him and be that guy... but i wanna wait around for-"

"Sam!" Lexi's manger shouted.

He walked over taking the hat off Sam's head.

"How many times do I have to tell you, you don't work here. You can't be behind the kiosk or wearing our hats."

"But they are just so cute-"

He put his hand up.

"Save the bullshit for your toilet, you ain't the only gay person around here. So hear me when I tell you this that hat is not cute enough for you to be standing behind my kiosk are we clear?" He said with sass.

"Crystal." Sam said slowly walking out.

"I swear that boy needs a hobby that is not you." he said to Alexa.

"Well if this stupid guy he is obsessing over texts him back then we might actually be free of him." She joked.

Alexa and her boss Marc had a good relationship. She started out as a regular customer. She went there every morning before class and loved the employees. She thought since she already knew everyone, she would apply. Marc was happy to have her and after working there for years, he is now like a father figure, fun uncle, and big brother rolled into one. He was just always there for her. He was actually the first person she came out to as Bi. He never made her feel bad about herself.

"Give me that boys number, i'll text him if i have to" He laughed. "Alright go take your break, you work your ass off here I can take care of some things." Marc said politely.

Lexi beamed "Thank you!"

She took off her hat and apron, heading over to Allison's table. She felt nervous. Why was she nervous.

"This seat taken?" Lexi asked.

"Only by you" Allison smiled. "So, what was all that about?" She asked.

Alexa giggled, "You saw that? Gosh it's just my best friend and my boss, they don't exactly see eye to eye. Marc wants Sam to follow the rules, and Sam doesn't really care." She laughs.

Allison laughed with her. "So Sam is your best friend, that's interesting. Tell me about him." She took a sip of her drink wanting to get to know Alexa.

"There's not much to say. He is my oldest friend, he stayed with me for a year in high school, he is very gay and very proud." If there was any time to bring it up, it was now. "And so am I, so yeah i guess that's why we work." Lexi said awkwardly.

Allison nodded, "I'm pan, so I get it."

God was there anything that could make this girl unattractive? She was polite, funny, understanding, not judgy, and she is pansexual.

"He actually has nothing better to do during the day than annoy me, he works nights over at Spike's" She threw out there.

"Every time I try and go there it's always like crazy busy, so i end up grabbing something from the liquor store and heading home." Allison said sighing.

An idea popped into Alexa's head.

"Why don't you come by Friday? I'll be there and so will Sam. We will make sure it's not too busy for you." Lexi smiled at her.

"Really? That would be totally amazing. I dont think I can get there until around midnight... is that okay?" She asked hoping it wouldn't be closed.

"Midnight is perfect" Alexa said with a little smirk.

Allison grabbed her laptop and stood up. "See you then"

Lexi watched her leave with a smile. She wasn't sure what she was going to do, but she knew she was excited for Friday night.

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