Lost friend

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Well, I know it's been too long, but damn isn't it good to be back.

Not edited.


Years of love have been forgot, in the hatred of a minute.

- Edgar Allen Poe



We walked out of the house, to see pack members already getting in the bus, in which we were supposed to travel.

There were only a few of us traveling, mostly pack members who have just come of age and were eager to meet their mates and some elders.

I turned around to bid farewell to Parker when my gaze landed on a lean figure leaning at the back of the bus with her hands wrapped around a tall brunet as they played tonsil hockey in broad daylight.


Ahh, what a beautiful sight for starting your day.

For a moment, her gaze met mine and I saw her flinch as she froze. And I felt a deep satisfaction run through me at her reaction. A deepest darkest part of me, that I knew was there locked inside of me felt satisfied. Afterall it thrived on the fear and also some sick part of me that others could see also felt it too. Good.

I smiled my sweetest smile and waved at her like we were long lost friends seeing each other after a long time - atleast a part of that was true - before she turned and ran inside the bus with her imaginary tail tucked between her legs dragging her boyfriend with her.

I grinned before turning towards Parker who was watching the whole interaction with half amused, half concerned look. Don't ask me how he managed to pull that off, but that was the look I have been seeing for as long as I could remember. He called it 'Tired of your shenanigans look'. I called it 'I Rock Look'.

He sighed before pulling me in a very long brotherly hug then took the liberty to push me towards the bus while lecturing me about all the reasons I needed to stay away from trouble, including a cat - eyed girl whose name starts with a C and ends with a bitch.

I knew I needed to stay out of trouble, especially when almost every pack was probably going to attend this ball, which meant too many werewolves, which meant too many Alpha's and which also meant too much powerplay. And anybody who knew me, knew how my I loved and hated it.

And with all the chaos revolving around since I 'returned back', I needed to be in the good books of the Royal Elders, if I ever wanted to hand over my pack to Parker without any problems. Though I had the right but we needed their approval, I would have not given a shit if it didn't meant giving away our social status.

Yeah so I needed to do some ass kissing at the ball. Yay me!

I rolled my eyes at him and after promising him I would stay out of trouble and a whole lot pampering from him, he finally left me just when dad's beta and dad walked up to us yelling out orders to get our lazy asses on the bus if we didn't wanted to be left behind.

After giving one last hug to Parker I got on the bus and settled as far away as I could from Cozbi and her little group of stick fetchers.

Now that I was not bickering with Parker or thinking about 101 ways to kill a bitch, I felt a heavy weight settle in my stomach. The impending feeling of doom crawled it's way upto my throat, which suspiciously felt a lot like excitement and fear.

But when the last members got in the bus followed by my dad, I decided that it was definitely doom. Because there was a high chance of me meeting Mr. Perfectly Fine who may cause a big problems in my future plans.


After almost 5 to 6 hours of drive, which was spent very well by blasting music and reading Wattpad, we finally reached our destination.

Damn! I felt like a Wattpad character.

After a whole lot of security processes, we were finally let into the gates of the Royal pack and I was just amazed.

This place it felt like a dream, like someone took a page out of a child's fairytale book and painted it out. It felt surreal, with cute little cottages surrounded by thick dense forest and the lush greenery, the landscape, the warmth of the sunlight, seemed so coherent. The sights, the smell as we passed through the small town market were just out of the world.

I felt a deep sense of warmth rush through me as the panic that had seemed to settle at the bottomless pit that I called 'Tubs' suddenly eased.

Maybe this won't turn out to be that bad. Maybe it's just what I need, a change of scenery. Yup! Definitely.

I was pulled out of my thoughts, when the bus stopped outside a large mansion. Whoa!

It was beautiful, the strong structure was beautifully carved and the designs though seemed carved from years ago were still spotless. The imposing structure was all tall glass and concrete that promised beautiful views of the nature that surrounded it.

"All right everyone, before we get down I want everyone to remember you are here as a pack. You will represent our pack's name, so I want you all on your best behaviour. You are here to find your mate. So if you don't want me to personally beat your ass and throw you out of the celebration, I expect you all to enjoy this without causing any problems. Is that clear?", my dad asked in his Alpha tone

"Yes Alpha."

"Alright let's get down," he said getting out of the bus followed by Beta and others.

But I still felt that dread spread through me as I got up, the uneasiness was an unwanted feeling that made me hesitate to get down the last steps.

Though I didn't know why, but maybe a part of me knew. Knew that once I walked out my life was going to change. For better or worst I didn't know. But I knew, I was never one to be afraid of changes.

So taking a deep breath, I took the last steps and welcomed the fresh breath of air that brought so many promises with it.


I know it has been a very long time but I have been busy with my exams which literally sucked the life out of me.
I would like to thank you all who gave this book a chance, y'all don't know how much it means to me.
Thankyou so much.

And don't forget to press that cute little star down there. ⭐

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