Unwanted feeling

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Dedicated to manjuv1508 for being such a great friend and supporter.❤️

Here's the next chapter. Hope you enjoy.


You deserve to know that moments of weakness do not make you fundamentally weak, only fundamentally human, and that sometimes we're not going to be effusively happy, and that is okay.

- Chelsea Fagan



The week passed by in a blur of pack members gossiping about the ball day and night and training the spoiled brats who were taking forever learn simple basic moves. Slowpokes.

We were leaving today and as expected I got up late which resulted in me jumping throughout the room to get ready as soon as possible. After making sure I looked presentable I dashed out of my room and down the stairs into the kitchen to grab something to eat. Parker was already there, munching on some Froot Loops. I greeted him good morning, but he only hummed in response, I turned around to look at him from where I was, he was looking at his bowl, lost in thought. I sighed already knowing what was possibly going through his head. I went around and sat on his left, I couldn't help but laugh when he jumped a little when I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Caught off-guard Alpha?", I joked. But he just frowned at me before turning back to his breakfast.

I frowned at that, usually he would glare at me or at atleast say something back in return when I called him that, but today....

"Hey", I said softly. "What happened?"


"Parker, don't lie to me!", he has been acting strange lately, at first I thought it was just something related to the preparations that was stressing him out. But I don't think it's just that anymore.

"It's just I- i don't know if I am ready yet. I don't know if I deserve this you know, what if I don't? What if what they said about me is true? I don't know what I will do if something happens to this pack.", he said his voice shaky. Oh.


I didn't know this was something that bothered him. I thought it was about his mate, with him not being able to come to the ball and all. I have known for as long as I could remember. He was always the one who has supported me through my lows when people from our wouldn't support me, when I was going through the toughest patch of my life. He was the one who taught me to not let what other's think affect my growth and now seeing him like this, so unsure.

The feeling of not being enough has been a constant in my life, so in a way I knew what he was feeling. And I knew that it was not a good feeling. I didn't want to feel like that. I didn't want him to feel like that.

"Parker look at me", he just grunted looking down at his soaked loops. Which inspite of the situation, I prayed to God he did not wished to eat. He was weird in some ways.


He again grunted but reluctantly looked up at me.

"You know it's not true", I told him softly, my voice soft but firm as I held his gaze.

"You know who you are, you know what you are capable of. I know it's not easy to believe this but nobody expects you to be perfect. You are going to learn, take one step at a time and be the great leader we all know you will be one day", I assured squeezing his hand, "And we are all going to be there with you, in every step that you will take."

He gave me a small smile,as his shoulders dropped loosing the tension streaming through him.

And I was glad he looked less stressed now. Because I sure as hell didn't know what to do under such circumstances. This would have turned embarrassing if I would said something foolish. I have never been a people person, I was the kind of person who would just offer you water and pat your back saying 'There, there' if you ever had a breakdown in front of me.

And Parker knew it.

So maybe that was the reason he had not shared how he was feeling with me. The thought of not being useful to my only friend turned me sad.

Not wanting to go down that road I decided to turn my attention back at the person who now sat munching his soggy loops. Eww.

Then to lighten the tense atmosphere I quickly added,"And it's not like you're gonna be alone. You will have your mate with you."

He groaned out loud at that leaning against the table and resting his head against it ,"Don't remind me of that. I'm already irritated my my wolf's constant whining about how we are going to miss our opportunity to find our mate by not going to the ball."

The only condolence was a pat on his before the horn from bus parked outside and the excited chatter growing outside interrupted us.

He sighed sitting up in his chair,"I guess that's our clue to get your fat ass outside before they decide to leave you here."

I only scowled at him before getting up and following him outside but not before stuffing by bag with every snacks I could get my hands on

I took a deep breath before walking out of the house. Scared yet excited to start this new chapter.


Short chapter, sorry, I just have been really busy lately with my exams starting this week and juggling college and my job has sucked the life out of me. I literally feel like walking dead.

Anyways hope you show your support by clicking on that small little star down there.

And please let me know if you liked any chapter or if you have any constructive criticism, I'll be happy to learn from you.


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