Doctor of Love

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He exhaled... Than inhaled... then exhaled... Then inhale-

Why am I keeping record of his damn breathing, was it that interesting...?

Phoebe's Brain: yeah.

Me: ... Shut up, what do you know?

Brain: everything you know.

Me: ... Whatever.

What the hell...? Now I'm having conversations with my brain, which was basically talking to myself since brains couldn't speak.

Or could they...?

"Madame Benson..." he muttered, "will you please accept my apology for kidnapping you, I'll even devote my life to you if it helps." He smiled at me, waiting for my response.

Hah, he looks like that cat with the creepy grin...

I giggled, "good kitty."

My body started to go numb like it did whenever that Slut nurse always gave me that sleepy medicine.

Sleep... Thats a funny word. Like seedy only you can't on a seed or you'll be like that Pea Princess chick.

I giggled again, chick... Like chick-a-dee... Or chick-fil-a

Either one.

I looked over at Adam, I mean Darryl. His mouth was moving but words weren't coming out of his mouth.

I squinted my eyes and tried to read his lips.

Moby... Story... Glove... Woo?

I cocked a eyebrow. Weird...

Stupid seedy- I mean sleepy, medicine.

"I'm sleepy," I interrupted him from whatever he was saying.

He frowned, "did you hear anything I was saying?"

I shook my head making myself dizzy. "Uh-uh."

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Can I feel your hair?" I asked pursing my lips and giggling like a fool.

He rose a eyebrow, "Uh, sure," he mumbled awkwardly.

Adam bowed his head so that it was easier for me to reach, most of his hair fell in his face. I wondered if it tickled.

Eagerly I reached out and intertwined my fingers through his silk, blackened strands of hair. I feel him stiffen beneath my hand. I shrug it off and continue my observation. It was as if his hair was a silk blouse ripped in strands, black and brown strands. gently messaging his scalp to see if it was soft as well.

A sound builds up in his chest and exhaled through his throat. I froze.

Did he... Did he growl?

His dark green eyes snapped open, or they looked like they did since a thick curtain of black hair was covering his eyes.

He cleared his throat and lifted his head up to looked at me. "Sorry," he muttered.

I nodded mutely.

I couldn't talk, if I did I would get that feeling. I could literally see it floating in-between us. That strong, overpowering feeling you got when you wanted, no, craved to kiss someone.

I bit my bottom lip.

Bad lips, don't go trying to kiss psycho kidnappers...

Adam's eyes snapped down to my lips which wasn't helping anything.

Neither did the next thing he did.

He licked his lips.

He licked his lips.

Adam Garden, my kidnapper, licked his kissable lips.

Like a fat kid getting ready to devour a chocolate cake.

Hah, no, like that chubby kid from Matilda.

My heart started to race and my hands clammed up from me fisting them to keep myself in place.

I shouldn't be feeling like this.

I shouldn't be feeling like this.

I didn't want to feel- oh what the hell. The worst that could happen is if a doctor walks in.

... Still wouldn't change my mind.

I leaned forward and crushed my lips against his. And oh God did it feel, like I let a ton of bricks down after jogging with them.

But ten times better.

So it felt good to me.

It felt good to me.

And oh did it feel.





A/n: I know this is a crappy chapter but I only had ten minutes sooooo yea. I promise to make the next chapter extra spectacular.

Diary of a Random, Cute, Fiesty, (Possibly ADHD) Chick-a-deeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon