Chapter 68

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Puffing, Puffing, Puffing, Puffing.

After that coffee meet up she went home. Wally walked along the corner of the bed, at one point stopped to look up, a small fish in the glass ball slowly swimming, Lisa buried her head on the bed, not moving.

The phone rang, Lisa immediately picked up: "Hello?"

Eunwoo: "I'm waiting for you at the cafe at your intersection" 

"Okay, right away"

Lisa slipped out of bed: "Rose, I'm going out see Eunwoo"


She ran out of the neighborhood and alley, to the cafe at the intersection, and Eunwoo was waiting inside.

"I'm afraid you can't sleep at night, I ordered a cup of hot cocoa"

"Oh, thanks" Lisa sat down and asked, "How is Mingyu?"

"He ran off to play games alone, and ignored me" Eunwoo said with laughing, "He is the same as Jungkook, childish temper, If You're is not happy, You will be fine afterwards"

"But...." She looked down at the hot cocoa in her cup.

Eunwoo looked at her and smiled faintly: "He was angry, don't take it personally. Not against you, not against Jungkook, and not me. I've been holding back so much, I have to let off some steam. Just caught the opprortunity"

Lisa looked up, nodded: "I know"

"You don't worry, can not be scattered" He put away the smile, seriously said, "Real brothers is not a fight a fight can turn the other cheek, the real team is not a disagreement a conflict will be disbanded. Jungkook is the kind of person, we all know clearly in our hearts, we believe, Including Kim Mingyu"


"But...." Eunwoo glanced out the window at the night and let out a long sigh, "Jungkook is the big problem. I didn't expect him to become....close himself off the way he is now. We all more or less took a step out in order to move on. But he didn't that is the problem".

"I didn't expect that either" Lisa said, "After he returned to Korea, the first time I saw him, I thought that Jungkook was back. Only later did I see him again and find out it was an illusion. Six years have passed, but he still seems to be stuck in that year".

Still stuck in the year that the inner ruins of the teenager.

Eunwoo lowered his head, hand on his forehead: "He is the captain. At the beginning, he took all the blame for eleven of us. I sometimes even think that if he won't comeback, let it go. But", his voice dropped: "If he won't comeback, Prime can never start over. What are we going to do then, Lili?"

And Lisa didn't know what to do.

Outside the window, the night was getting darker, the cup of cocoa in her hand was getting cold.

Both of them were silent for a long time.

There was no result.

Eunwoo insisted on sending Lisa home, saying that the ally was too dark. The two of them walked into the neighborhood along the dark alley, and he kept sending her to the building before leaving, asking her to next when she arrived home.

Lisa went upstairs and went back to the house, and after giving Eunwoo a safe report sat on the carpet and froze.

Love ran over ripely, saw the dirty mud on her jeans, smiled joyfully and bent his eyes, happily cleaning her up: "Oooo~~~~~"

She stroked his head, her heart melancholy hard to say.

Suddenly her phone rang, it was Jeon Soojin's call.

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