Chapter 53

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At the end of August, the summer heat is fading.

Students are returning to school one after another, and the campus is once again bustling with people, full of fireworks.

In the days when the new students reported, there were banners and welcome points everywhere to welcome the new students.

At noon that day, Lisa and the other three dormitory members were eating popsicles on the railing of the open staircase, overlooking the bustling activity square.

The crowd below was bustling, and we could tell at a glance which students were new. Their faces are young and tender, their eyes are full of curiosity and longing, but also with nervous apprehension, very new.

Rose took a bite of a popsicle and sighed sadly: "It's so sad. We used to be the little sisters who were taken care of by our brothers and sisters, but now we not only have to surrender our privileges, but also have to serve as sisters to others"

Mina also sighed: "Today, walking on the road, a new student asked me: Sister, how to go to the school of Physics. I responded for half a day. Hey, become a sister . I'm not a freshman anymore. How time files, freshman year what did not do it, a year has passed"

"Look at their faces, that's fresh" Miyeon looked at the freshmen walking around at the bottom, "Unlike us, the youthfulness is not there , it's become an old greaser"

Lisa bite into her ice-cream and said, "You've been a greaser since you first enrolled"

Miyeon said: "You are the one who has changed the most. See these stupid students down there? You were this silly a first.... and a little more silly"

Lisa laughed.

Rose turned her head and pestled Lisa: "I envy you the most Lili. I wasted my first year of college compared to you"

Mina was chagrined: "Me too. I have to get my act together in my second year!"

Rose complained, "You at least had a relationship, I didn't get anything"

Lisa bumped her shoulder: "You got three good three girlfriends ah"

The three of them rubbed their arms at the same time: "Huh" Goose bumps fell to the ground.

Lisa giggled and continued to bite into the ice cream

She looked at the new students coming and going, and for a moment she also had infinite feelings.

The past year, She is afraid, was the hardest year of her life but also the year of her transformation.

The ups and downs, the laughter and tears, the bitter and sweet.

The good thing is, the sky is not negative. Although pay countless, but the harvest is very rich.

Now, the sophomore year.

English says sophomore is sophomore, which some people joked is pronounced like suffer more- to undergo more painful torture.

It doesn't matter, she is ready to take it in stride. Even if the thorns are full of thorns, she carries the knife forward.

The three of them finished their popsicles and went to the cafeteria.

When going down the stairs, Miyeon lightly said, "Sophomore year, to cheer up"

Everyone did not answer, the heart secretly made up their mind.

When they reached the first floor lobby, they ran into Jungkook and the others walking head-on.

Lisa and he looked at each other and quietly averted their eyes.

Mina generoulsy asked Hyunjin, "Have you had lunch yet?"

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