"The wheel!"Bertholdt yelled and pointed to the top of the ship.

"I got it"Annie spoke and ran up the stairs.

She grabbed onto the wheel and tried controlling it but her small hands would slip off, soon enough all the toddlers started to help her as they screamed again.

"Now that's a strong imagination"Norie spoke as she and Levi stared at the toddlers who were screaming and grabbing onto the tricycles handles.

Levi's phone dinged and saw that Hange had texted him, he sighed and says "four eyes will be late"

"Where is she?"Norie asks.

"Who knows, but I'm not surprised if she's at the market buying baking soda"


Hange dragged her hand on the shelves, dropping the boxes of baking soda into the cart as she walked. She wanted the toddlers to make their own volcanos, she knew that Norie and Levi would refuse but it's worth a try.

"Now I need the vinegar-Hange"her loud voice was cut off by a familiar one.

She froze and turned to see Erwin behind her, Hange stared at him but she quickly grabbed her cart and began to run off.

"Wait! Hange!"he called out.

"I'm not suppose to be talking to you! I mean, Levi and Norie didn't say anything about me not being able to talk to you but it feels like the right thing to do!"Hange called back.

"Please! Just wait!"

Erwin grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"I just need to know, how they're doing. I feel embarrassed on how I reacted last month"he spoke.

Hange sighed and says "well, you made Norie feel like the bad guy"

Erwin rubbed his face and says "I didn't want her to feel that way"

"But you did, look Erwin, I understand that you want to fix it. Though you have to know what you feel about their relationship, do you accept it?"Hange asks.

He stood there as he tried speaking but nothing would come out, he spoke "I...I don't know..."

"you still have feelings for her no?"


"Figure out your feelings first, I don't want their to be another meltdown at the daycare, or anywhere else really."Hange says as she grabs a bag of candies and threw them in the cart

"It's just...I know that I shouldn't be mad about them getting together but I am. I don't like them...together"Erwin said.

"I get it, it's like seeing chicken and a rollercoaster together..."she trailed off.

He stared at her in confusion as Hange shook her head and says "it's my inside joke, ignore it. But anyways! Take a break, think about your feelings and come back to us"

Erwin sighed and said "fine..."


"Hi!"Eren said happily to the doctor who walked in.

"Hey bud! You excited to take the arm cast off?"he said as he sat down.

"He's excited, that's all he was talking about today"Norie spoke as she had Mikasa and Eren on her lap.

"That's great, let's get the tools and we'll pop that thing right off"

"Levi! I'm getting my arm cast off!"the boy called out to him.

"I'm aware"Levi responded.

"Okay! I got the tools"The doctor said and he placed a saw on the table next to him making Eren's eyes widened.

He started screaming as the others flinched at the sudden yell, Eren wrapped his arms around Norie's neck and held onto her tightly as Mikasa was knocked off but Levi caught her on time.

"Eren! Honey-Don't let him cut my arm off! I want my arm Norie!"he cut her off.

"He's not gonna cut your arm, he's gonna cut the cast"Levi spoke trying to calm him down.

He continued to scream as Norie tried pulling him back from her but she swore his grip was as strong as a grown man. Mikasa leaned her back on Levi's chest shaking her head as Levi did the same thing.

After a few minutes Eren had gotten tired of the screaming and passed out, Norie held him in her arms as the doctor did his job. It popped right off making her and Levi sigh in relief.

"So it should be completely healed right?"Norie asks as she softly rubbed Eren's arm.

"Their will be a small crack so I suggest to still take things slow still. We don't want it to spread across the bone again"he explained.

She smiled and placed a kiss on Eren's head.


They sat at a restaurant eating burgers and fries, well the toddlers ate chicken nuggets while trying to open their toy that got in their box as they say in a booster seat in front of the table.

"I told Hange she can meet us here, she texted me saying that she had something to tell us"Norie explained as she fixed Mikasa's pigtails.

"I don't think it's anything important, it might be one of her other dumb experiments she wants the kids to do"He spoke as Eren accidentally bumps his chicken nugget dipped in ketchup on Levi's hand.

He stared down the boy who just quickly grabbed a napkin and started wiping his hand.


They turned to see Hange walk in towards their table, she grabbed a chair and sat in between the toddlers.

"Hey I got you some fries, thought you could be hungry"Norie says and slides the box over.

"Gosh, yes I'm starving, I haven't eaten in an hour"Hange responded.

"So what did you want to tell us?"Levi spoke.

"That right! So, I was at the store buying baking soda!"She began.

"I told you"he whispered to Norie who just shook her head.

"And I saw Erwin"

They stopped and turned to their friend who just stuffed her face.

"Erwin?"Norie began.

"What did he say?"Levi asks.

"Nothing much, just about the two of you and how you're doing after the whole thing. He said he felt embarrassed"Hange explained.

"but he still doesn't really like the fact that his best friend and ex are together. Since, he still has feelings for you"

The toddlers dropped chicken nuggets into her lab coat and would giggle quietly.

Norie looked over at Levi who just had his arms crossed and his gaze at the table.

"But he didn't say when he'll come around again, though I did tell him that he should take a break before coming back"she says as she noticed their faces.

Norie sighed and said "it's fine, let's just give him space. That's all he wants right? We'll give it to him"

"Like I said he'll come around, but he's stubborn. It won't take weeks but months"Levi spoke up.

It was quiet before Hange cut the silence and says "oh come on! Let's just focus on others things! Like having the toddlers make their own volcanos?"


"Worth a try"

past and future (Modern AU :Levi Ackerman)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat