Rescue Plan - 1 ⛑️

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Don't worry I'm not dead yet 💀⚰️

I just had to focus on my studies for a while 📖📔

Anyways back to the story guys!!! 😄😄


Author's POV

"Good he sent the location. It'll take around 20 mins to reach his house, so we need to make a proper rescue plan.

Now remember, we don't know anything about this guy. I can't get a background check on him, it'll take too much time. We need to split up and do what we are assigned, okay?"

Everyone nods in agreement to what he says.

"Good, and remember to be ready for anything unexpected, any type of dangers. We don't know what kind of weapons this lunatic might have with him, or what he might do to Jimin. He might even call for ransom money".

Just as he said this, his phone started ringing. Everyone looked at him in shock as he looked at his phone. He saw that it was an unknown caller.

Everyone in the car held their breath as Yoongi picked up his ringing phone. He answered the call, put it on speaker and waited for someone to answer.

"Hello who is this?", Yoongi asked.

"Hello sir I'm calling from Bank of Korea, would you like to apply for a personal loan?"


After Yoongi cut the call, all of them sighed while Yoongi was rubbing his forehead and thinking hard. The other 5 were waiting for Yoongi to say something, and after 6 mins he finally opened his mouth.

"Okay so the main agenda is to get Jimin out of the house. My brother sent me his house address, saying this is where he was seen taking Jimin unconscious with another guy, his accomplice. His house doesn't have a basement or shed room, so it's safe to assume that he kept Jimin in any of the rooms in his house.

Now we are all six people. We need to :

- Get rid of the accomplice
- Distract Taemin until we get Jimin out
- Search for Jimin and rescue him

Now since we are 6 people and 3 tasks, we'll divide ourselves into two per task. But before that, any questions??"

Hobi hesitantly raised his hand and asked, "Ummm.... What did you mean by 'get rid of his accomplice'? I'm sorry, but I can't murder anyone".

Yoongi sighed frustrated. "Guys, I'm not asking you to murder anyone or commit any crimes. This is to save our friends from that bastard. What I meant was - to make him unconscious or keep him somewhere else until Jimin is safely with us

Now does anyone have any other questions??".

Everyone shook their heads 'no'.

"Good that's what I thought. Now back to the plan.

1. Getting to his accomplice will be Taehyung and Namjoon's job. You can either :

• Talk to him and take him somewhere 😃
• Flirt with him and take him wherever you want 😉
•  If none of the above work and my favourite , Knock him on the head with a stick until he passes out 😵

2. Distracting Taemin for an hour will be Jin and Hobi's task. You two are the cowards of the group, and talk all the time so it won't look suspicious. You can either :

• Talk to him as long lost buddies and go out for lunch 🍱
• Take him to the mall for a movie / playing arcade games 🎳
• If none of these work, throw something super heavy on his head so that he blacks out 🥴

3. Getting Jimin out of they lunatics house will be done my me and Jungkook. I have more experience, and Jungkook had more muscle strength.

• Jungkook and I will break into his house through his kichen window.
• Once we go in, we will find Jimin and get him out. If he is locked, Jungkook can just break the door.
• After that, I will text you guys and we'll meet up at Jungkook's house.

"Okay guys, now that we have a solid plan we can all start doing our jobs. Remember, always keep your phones on and call me or Jungkook if any of you land into trouble.

First Tae and Namjoon, go get that accomplice. I sent you his location on whatsapp. After 10 mins, Jin and Hobi will go to Taemin. Message me as soon as you guys leave with him, and then Jungkook and I will get Jimin out".

As soon as everyone is ready, they each go to implement their plan. First, Namjoon and tae go to his accomplice, whose name they just found out is Minho. As they are driving, Taehyung is determined to do everything it takes to get Jimin back safely.

Don't worry Jimin, we're coming to rescue you.


Ooh, will they be able to save Jimin on time?? Will Taemin is Minho find out about this??

Hey guys, how are you all??

Let me know how you like today's chapter, and I will upload the next one as soon as possible 😄😄

Okay GTG byeeee 👋🏻👋🏻

Okay GTG byeeee 👋🏻👋🏻

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