1: Dumpster Diving

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ART IS MINE (including cover)!
I created this because I really like the concept of 1) Izuku being a hybrid bunny and Katsuki taking 'care' of him because of 2) how they have a lower position in society. Used as different things like fighting rings and anything that has to do with major trauma basically, or even service others.  BUT, I notice that the only reason that they are in a lower class society is because they 'have half a body of a human so they only get limited rights' and I didn't really... get that

It's fanfiction, I know, but still. put some plot in there other then 'because I wanted this to happen' that makes it so it's not so simple. Challenge yourself! I did! I threw out 'it's just for plot convenience' and I thought hard into making this concept (hybrids not having many rights) make some sense and have a good reason for the trope. 

◇─◇──◇─◇ 1 ◇─◇──◇─◇

Izuku looks around, crouched low to the ground with his paws and hands shuffled close to himself on the ground. His nose tweaked and twitched as it scented around, eyes wide to scout the empty and dark street of the neighborhood. It was a relatively new one that he visited with homes large and spread apart by yards and yards of surrounding fences and gates. The rich neighborhoods were one of the best places to look for discarded or lost things, mostly in their yards and sewers. If there were clothes, Izuku would keep them, like a lost glove or a scarf taken by the wind, but if it was jewelry he'd sell it for some money he'd use for some food to eat. Not that it always worked, being denied of being the original owner, but he tried.

But the bins are what he goes for when visiting these neighborhoods. Izuku can damn the saying of parents telling their kids to eat their food instead of wasting it, guilt tripping them into saying children in poor countries have nothing to fill their bellies with.

Izuku may be no child, and live in a rather big-city area, but he has no roof over his head and no food to put on the table for his mom. So, he's grateful for the rich people throwing away half of their buffets of precious and expensive foods in their trash for him to find.

"Ok, all clear." Izuku whispers to himself as he raises himself to a stand, a scarf covering his mouth, a pair of unmatched gloves, a few fingers missing, some extremely loose pants, and a ripped shirt to cover his chest and back. The outfit wasn't something he typically wore, but he's learned that the people in neighborhoods like these, big and expensive, like to be covered as much as possible. It was the best way to disguise himself in service to a caretaker, to which he doesn't have.

Adjusting the plastic bag in hand, he took a step into the sidewalk, away from the dark alley between two brick fences, and into the street lamp that shone brightly above him. He swallowed thickly, ears perked and moving to detect any sound, before he went to the direction of a possible home he could dive into for their trash. He looked around, as he walked with an exaggerated bounce to his step thanks to his rabbit feet, and grew nervous with every trash lid flipped over, all emptied by the dumpster trucks.

"Crap... I got here too late." Izuku muttered anxiously, bypassing many bins on the street, emptied with no remains left for him to dig out. He clutched the bag filled with the useless waste in his hands to calm himself.

Picking up the pace, Izuku wandered around the neighborhood in search of a house with no garbage bins to the front, but found himself short. Everyone here had remembered that today was garbage and he whined to himself for their perfect timings and scheduled minds. Izuku shuffled over under a nearby tree in front of a house, his bag going to the floor as he sat down on the ground to think.

"Already wasted an hour looking so there's no use continuing. Moving on to plan B..." Izuku spoke as he looked on the street he was on, eyes scanning for the perfect home to rob of their disposed treasures. His eyes landed on a fence gate, black with promising gaps and he was quick to hop over with the bag in hand. When he reached it, he casually walked by it before going to bite his scarf and reach over with a curious hand.

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