Chapter 23: Mortemville, Montana 1986, May 2nd

Start from the beginning

I paused for a moment as I realised I was spilling too much about myself and now I was digging myself a hole. I didn't want to continue but I felt obligated to for whatever reason.

"... Everyone I've ever cared about is dead... and everyone else... is against me, it feels like..." I eventually muttered.

"I wouldn't necessarily say everyone is against you. Your dad cares about you doesn't he?" Terrance pointed out to try and make me feel better.

"Not my biological dad, he's dead," I chuckled.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know that," he apologised quickly.

"It's fine. I think you're thinking of the man who usually comes in with me. He's my adoptive father," I explained.

Terrance nodded and a small smile crossed his face, "He sounds like he cares about you."

"Mhm..." I was staring off into space, silently wondering how long it would be before whatever omen that follows me steals him from me too. I knew he cared about me; I wouldn't be here if he didn't, and that's what scares me. I've tried to push him away so many goddamn times but he's relentless and now he's doomed. I just feel it.

Obviously, I couldn't tell Terrance that because I would sound like I'm planning to murder him.

The rest of the therapy session went by as usual as if the whole conversation about Terrance's mother didn't even happen. I was still thinking about it the entire time though and I couldn't get rid of that annoying gut feeling. I couldn't stop thinking about it even when the appointment was over and I was on my way home.


Daniel wanted me to take Max to the park so I did because I didn't have anything better to do. I guess I could use the fresh air anyway.

Max was obviously super excited to be going to the park and he was bouncing in the backseat while blabbering away about what he would do once we got there. I pretended to be listening but I really wasn't. I couldn't really understand him anyway, all his words were jumbled together.

We got there when the sun was going to be setting soon, so the weather was cool and the sky was earning its gorgeous orange glow after a long day. Max ran straight for the playset and I followed behind in a casual stroll and took a seat at a bench not too far away. I brought a small pocketbook with me so I could entertain myself and I drew little doodles on the pages to pass the time.

Everything was fine and dandy, with Max playing with some of the other children at the playground and me drawing quietly and stuck in my own little world. I was quite relaxed and for once I was feeling relatively okay. However, the mood didn't last much longer; sometime around sunset when I was debating calling Max over to head back home, I was tapped on the shoulder. I actually jumped a little when it happened and I turned around, half-expecting some police officer who thought I was up to no good for whatever reason.

To my relief, it wasn't a police officer, it was Steve with Michael standing not too far behind him. Both had expressions that meant something serious was about to happen and my stomach dropped.

"What are you guys doing here?" I wondered.

"Sorry to startle you, dude. We called Sarah to come 'hang out' with us... we'll be having our chat with her when she comes. I called your place but your dad said you were already here so we just came over," Steve explained.

"Now?? I have Max with me," I stated and gestured to the playground. Steve and Michael looked up at the playset and saw Max's bright blonde hair scurry over to a slide.

"Ah shit, I'm sorry," Steve mumbled, "I didn't know."

"I don't think I want Max seeing a fight break out," I said softly. Steve looked at Michael for any ideas and my brain went elsewhere as I thought about how many things could go wrong.

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