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Disclaimer: Based off the manga and anime by Kishimoto Masahi. I do not own any of the canon characters or the plot. I only created my OC. :)I don't own the canon plot line, but I do own the other parts of the plots and my OCs

© 2015, s_girl123


Love does not come with a tag of restrictions and limitations. It is an independent feeling which arises from within and is purely unconditional and boundless.


The gleaming rays of the sun had long disappeared across the horizon and had now been replaced by the myriad stars acting like twinkling spotlights. The moon hovered in the inky sky bestowing a dim light upon the fine valleys of the Land of Fire.

The wind quietly howled on the cold December night; the swaying of the trees and rustling of leaves could be heard but not seen, as the darkness had blotted out some of the faintest light.

Although it was a cool and winter night where only soft noises could be heard every now and then, there was one hospital room in which loud noise was not lacking.

There were three different types of noises within that single room; one was a scream of pain, the others were words of encouragement, while the final was a soft cry of a baby. The chatter of happiness was immediately followed by after that final cry. The voices slowly muted down as the door of the hospital room was banged open.

"Am I late?" the young boy, gasped with breath, leaning against the side of the door. Sweat dripped down his pale cheek from the running he had done to get to the hospital right away from his mission.

The older man inside the room grinned widely at him, "No Kakashi; you're right on time." Sakumo was handsome at that with long tresses of shaggy silver hair that was pulled back. His soft charcoal eyes were set on the small bundle the woman in the bed was holding, "She was just born. Come here."

Kakashi hesitantly walked into the room to stand by his father. He couldn't train his eyes away from the same bundle that was wrapped around with one of those typical hospital white baby blankets.

Kana looked up to see her son nervously fidgeting to which she gently smiled at, "Come here Kakashi." She softly called out beckoning him to sit by her side. Seeing his mother's encouraged face, Kakashi stood next to her as she sat back against the bed's headboard. "Here, you should hold her too."

He bit his lip before reluctantly holding out his arms in an awkward way. It was the first time he had ever seen someone look so delicate. Kakashi was afraid of dropping her. His arms immediately tightened upon the baby as his heart slowly warmed up to the light breathing that was coming from her.

"She's beautiful isn't she?" Sakumo came by his son and watched him hold his newly born daughter, "You're a big brother now, Kakashi." He chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair.

Kakashi didn't reply as he merely stared in awe at his new baby sister. It felt different somehow with her presence since he had been an only child for many years. "What's her name?" he looked up to ask his parents.

His parents both exchanged a look, before Kana laid a hand on Kakashi's arm, "Why don't you name her, hmm?"


Kana nodded, "Why not? Your father had the honors of naming you, now it's your turn to name her." Her smile instantly relieved Kakashi's nervousness like it always did in the past. Kana was a woman that was graced with kindness. Despite her age, she appeared quite young in the eyes of others with beautiful long hair and bright energetic eyes.

Kakashi's eyes gradually widened when he noticed vibrant electric blue eyes staring back at him with utter interest. The color shocked him expressing such innocence that could only be cooed at. She blinked at him curiously before splurges of light giggles left her lips as she gave him a breathtaking toothless grin that revealed her dimples. Her cheeks were chubby with baby fat and thick, silver hair covered the top of her head.

"It seems that she likes you." Sakumo chuckled before he softly stroked the baby's cheek, "She opened her eyes once her big brother held her; I'm telling you Kakashi, she'll have one of the best brother's, am I right?"

"Did you think of a name for her, Kakashi?" his mother asked.

He nodded, looking down once again, "Emiko," he whispered, "I like the name Emiko." The baby immediately began smiling, as if she was happy to hear that name. It was as if she knew the name was her identity.

"Emiko, eh?" Sakumo grinned at Kana, who looked back at him with an equally smiling face.

"Welcome to the Hatake Clan, Emiko."

Hey guys! Thank you so much for supporting me with all of my stories, even putting up with my first immature one! :) I've developed and grown as an author and I hope it reflects on my writing. I wouldn't have gotten this far if it weren't for you amazing readers! So I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. ^_^

© All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmited in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods.

If I find out that ideas, statements, quotes, jokes, characters, plot line, in any way, shape, or form is taken, there will be DIRECT consequences. I will not hesitate to have your Quotev/Wattpad book or account confiscated

I am so tired of finding stories that have used the same plot as mine, including characters and ideas. I immediately contacted them and told them to get rid of it or they will be forced to by either Wattpad or Quotev.

I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did when writing it! :)

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