"Oi, Mikey!! Get the fuck out." He ordered, and you swore you saw Mikey's eyes darken for a second.

"Huh?! No way, Ken-chin!! You can't kick me out like this!!" He whined, but you could tell he was angry. You were starting to feel a bit scared of what he might do to Ken if he continued to talk like that to him.

"K-Ken... It's fine-" You were cut off by Ken glaring at Manjirō, "I said, get out. You've done your part in making her uncomfortable..." He sneered, and the boy with messy blonde hair turned to you for a second.

He looked like he was saddened by the fact that he made you uncomfortable.

With a frown resting on his pale face, the short male hopped off his seat and walked out. With him gone, you let out a breath that you didn't even know you were holding in. 

Looks like all the confidence that you felt at the moment when Mikey first confessed to you, was out the window. Perhaps you finally came back to your senses, and realised just how messed up Mikey was.

You had to get him to a therapist or even a psychologist, because in no way was this boy sane enough to be leading a group of 100 raging teens. 

You furrowed your eyebrows in thought. Why did you even think about staining your own hands for his sake?! You shouldn't have to do this, no one should!! But, for some reason... you felt as if you weren't in control of your body when you spat out those words. It was like someone was forcing you to say it.

Mikey should be normal, after all, Shinichirō-niisan was still alive, so there was no reason for him to lose his sanity. Perhaps you misjudged the real reason for Mikey's corruption.

"Oi..." All of a sudden, Ken's rough voice rang in your ears as you look up at him. He was frowning, "[Name], what did he say?" The braided boy had worry swirling in his eyes, and you couldn't help the guilt that suddenly clogged your throat.

"N-Nothing..." You even found it hard to speak, with something weighing down your chest. 

"Don't lie to me.... please...." His eyes were wide in desperation and you were hit with another wave of recognition. Why did you always insist on doing everything on your own? It's not like it's your job to bear it all...

But... no matter what you do, you just can't get the words to spill out of your lips, "I'm not lying... He just-he... said that he liked me..."

You mustn't let Ken know that Mikey lowkey threatened you that he would kill everyone.

If word does go out, then God knows what Ken might do. He might force Toman to disband, or he might force Mikey to leave the gang life for good. And knowing Mikey, he wouldn't back down without a fight... No, he would do much more than just a fight.

It will be a massacre...

Ken looked shocked at your words as you looked down in embarrassment, "Don't tell him that I told you..." You whispered while staring right at him, watching him twitch.

"Ah... I-uh... Is that so?" His throat felt dry. 

"Wha-What... what do plan on saying to him, then?" One look at you and Ken felt like he was about to burst out in tears.

The sweat running down the side of your cheeks, the nervous darting of your eyes, the slight twitching and fidgeting of your body.

He finally understood what it meant. Why was Mikey so fucking selfish?! Why did he take away the one thing that Ken thought that he had for himself?!

Mikey had a family, a sister, a grandfather, even an older brother!! But what did Ken have? No one but you... But now, he knows that you weren't even his anyways....

"I-I'm not ready for this... for any of this..." You said, and the big guy felt as if someone had dropped a bucket of cold water on top of him. Did he hear that right?!

He knew it was sick of him to think this way, but for once he wanted to be inconsiderate and be happy over Mikey getting rejected.

"I mean, I just barely managed to escape from that woman!! I think the last thing I need right now, is a relationship... Especially with someone who I never even thought in that way..." 

You stared at you lap, trying your best to convince Ken that it was indeed, just a confession that you were worried over. Not over the fact that Mikey might become a potential serial killer.

"O-Oh!" Ken smiled at you but you were still too worried. 

"I-I mean!! I'm not saying Mikeg is a bad person!! I think he'd be a great boyfriend! Especially since he's fun to be around, really nice and just very loyal!! He's cute too, so that might work as another one of his charms!!" You added in fear. What if Ken gets angry over the fact that you indirectly rejected his best friend?!

The last thing you need is an angry Ken...

"But uh... you get it, right?" Ken blinked before letting a giant grin encase his lips and nodding happily, "I totally get it, [Name]!! You shouldn't push yourself like this!!" He cheered and it almost scared you.

Who is this and what have they done to Ken?!

"Right... thanks for listening, Ken..." If there's anyone who you can rely on with this, it's Takemichi. After all, he also needs the information for any possible way to save Hina, and making sure Mikey doesn't lose his shit is one of them.


When Takashi had said that your gender reveal had broken Hakkai... he wasn't joking.

The boy literally came to visit you, but ever since the two of them arrived, he had done anything but visit you. He stood at the doorway, peeking in the room every now and then from the hallway as you and Mitsuya conversed.

"He's really freaked out... I feel kinda bad now..." You admitted as Mitsuya looked at you in amusement, "Well, it's kind of his own fault for having his 'girl allergies' in the first place. Don't feel bad about it..."

But you couldn't help but frown, "Should I apologise to him? Maybe write an apology letter?" You murmured to yourself as Takashi almost froze. Why were you so unnecessarily cute?!

The sliver eyed male smiled and flicked your forehead, "Never thought I'd say this about you, but you're an idiot, [Name]..." His words made you gasp dramatically.

"Am not!!" Grinning at your playful nature, he played along.

"Are too!!" 

"Am not!!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!!"

"Am not!!" He repeated, trying to trick you.

"Am not!!" You confidently retaliated, smirking at his crestfallen face, "Did you really think that I'd fall for such an old trick?" You mocked as he chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, it was worth a try..." He grinned and you both giggled quietly. When you stopped laughing, you turned to the door through which Hakkai was peaking in, "Hakkai-kun." You called out while watching the boy flinch immediately.

"You can come in, you know..." He was hesitant, but seeing your kind look, he sort of gave in. With a gentle smile, you started, "You know... You don't have to think of me as a girl, or even call me by my real name... Just [Male Name] is fine!!" 

Hakkai frantically shook his head, "N-No, I-I wouldn't... I-I couldn't!! Y-You worked h-hard to e-earn that name!!" You smiled at his cute form. He really was a gentle giant, kinda like Ken and Mucho!!

Smiling at him, you started.

"It doesn't matter to me anymore, as long as you're happy, I'm okay with it!!" 


The last line is kinda foreshadowing... But you wouldn't know unless you're a time traveler who has already read this story and knows it's future.

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