When she let go of me I tried to say something to her but couldn't as a hard stinging sensation burned at my cheeks.

Third Person Pov

The entire council of gods gasped when Annabeth slapped Perseus. Not even the big three would ever dare to slap him, and this demigod had the nerve to do that? Before they could get angry, Perseus started.

He brought his hand up and rubbed his cheek as he looked annoyed, "Seriously, why are all the women in my life intent on hitting me?" He groaned as he looked at Hestia and Annabeth. Annabeth still looked angry, while Hestia looked relieved and amused.

"If you want me to stop hitting you, then maybe you should stop doing shit that makes me want to slap you. Seriously Seaweed brain, do you have any idea how worried I was?" Annabeth screamed at the top of her lungs at him.

Perseus smirked as she kept rambling about the stuff he had done to annoy her. Her ADHD was working up. He could also feel the envious look of Artemis at the two of them, but he ignored it for the time being. He raised his eyebrow at Annabeth, "Seaweed brain? Where did that come from?" He asked amused.

Annabeth blushed as she realized that she had given him a nickname in annoyance. She looked at him challengingly, even with the blush on her face, "Well you do have a domain of Sea don't you? So that means your brain is filled with Seaweed." She said, not really making sense because of her mortification.

"If you do say so yourself Wise-Girl" Perseus replied to her as he draped his arm over her shoulder. If possible Annabeth's blush deepened.

Perseus told Annabeth to sit on his throne's steps while he took care of something. Annabeth nodded and complied, seeing the serious look on his face.

Artemis saw the whole interaction between Perseus and Annabeth with bitter eyes. What she wouldn't give to have the chance to banter with him. Or have him look at her the way he looked at Annabeth.

The gods silenced as they looked at Perseus walking towards the thrones. They thought that he was going towards his own throne, but he wasn't. Perseus walked to the middle throne, the King of God's throne. Zeus and the rest of the council were confused as to what he needed from Zeus. Hestia stiffened at her hearth, as she felt her elder brother's rage. She was the goddess of home; she could feel her family's emotions all the time.

Perseus had remembered what Hades had told him a few nights ago at Underworld. He grabbed Zeus by the neck and lifted him up in the air. Ignoring the gasps of shock from the council, he squeezed Zeus' throat and threw him to the center.

Annabeth was afraid; she could feel Perseus' rage from his blessing. His domains were acting up and she did not like what she was feeling. She couldn't also ignore how deadly Perseus looked. The gods were about 15ft tall in their godly height, but Perseus was undoubtedly at least 19-20 feet tall. He also radiated power worthy of a firstborn of Kronos and Rhea.

Everyone was wide-eyed as they saw Perseus hurt Zeus; he had never raised arms against any member of his family. They knew that Perseus loved all his family, but he adored Zeus more so than anyone, except Hestia. Zeus himself looked scared out of his fucking mind, but on top of everything he looked scared. Perseus had raised him as his own son, and Zeus worshiped his elder brother. So it hurt him more than anything.

Poseidon, Hera, and Demeter were at Perseus' side in an instant. "Brother what happened?" Poseidon asked afraid, Perseus' anger was always justified. So, he wondered what Zeus did this time. Hera too, started to speak something, but the raise of Perseus' hand silenced her and everyone.

Perseus walked to the middle of the throne room towards Zeus. He looked at his brother and growled, "What was my one rule that I asked you to never break Zeus?" Perseus asked him.

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