I was instantly pulled by you towards your mascular chest and hugged me from back while kissing my head.

" It won't happen with us. You will not face those memories again. And if I ever hurt you then I promise, I myself will leave from your life. " You said and tears were not ready to stop while you turned me towards you.

" Hey, Hey. Relax Relax. It was just a normal couple fight and I am sorry about it. But trust me I am also a man, I know men very well. But It's fine. It happens " you tried to calm me and wiped my tears with your thumb.

" It was my mistake too. I am sorry. I just exaggerated it but I didn't mean to. Like I over reacted to everything. " I replied while hugging you more.

Your arms were a safe place for me,
No matter how much tired I was,
No matter how much hurt I was,
No matter how much scared I was,
No matter how much insecure I was,
They always provided me the safety,
They always provided me my home.

" We will never be your parents, never. I won't let that situation come "

Now when I look into the past I wonder which promise you broke, and which one you fulfilled,
The one about being with me forever,
Or the one about leaving my life when you hurt me.

But it wasn't just you. I was not less, even I broke my promises, even I hurted you, even I failed to save our relation.

That was not the only moment in which you were jealous,
Once again same happened,
I don't know about you, but I felt deja vu. Our every memory was deja vu.

It happened in two parts, one in which we didn't let our ego win. And the other in which there was nothing other than ego and misunderstanding.

We think about good memories, but the bad ones definitely comes after that. Specially when you were the one who was at fault.

How much I wish that atleast I didn't react like that when the next time same happened. Atleast I would have tried to understand him. Atleast I would have let it go. But I didn't. I let my ego come in between. I let the misunderstanding arise. I remember it all too well.

(Past situation 2: 4 months ago)

Once I loved seeing you jealous, I loved seeing you possesive, I loved everything, But till an extent.

The jealousy was overflowing,
The Possessiveness was not the same, It was growing wilder.

You entered the room where I was, but seeing you just flickered my anger, so I turned to leave. But you held my wrist to stop me.

" Why are you so pissed off? " You said looking into my eyes and I bet you would have found burning anger in it.

" It doesn't matter " I replied.

" But what happened? " You asked I just shrugged.

" Like you don't know " I replied

" It isn't because of that matter, is it? If it is then please That guy was looking at you like he would have ripped off your clothes and- I don't even want to speak further " you said and banged your hand on the table.

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