~ Chapter 30 ~

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Jeff watched as Rose climbed into the truck and he closed the door after her. He hadn't expected the call at that time, well; hell he hadn't expected it all. But he could say his chest swelled with a little bit of pride that she called him and he wasn't going to put a damper on it by thinking that there really wasn't anyone who could help. Jeff climbed into the driver's seat and took off down the road, rubbing his eyes again. He glanced over at Rose as she put her hand on his arm and smiled.

"Thank you for coming."

"Oh no problem, Rose, you know that."

"I know. I also know you were asleep and I woke you up." Jeff waved off her concern. The truth was, she always had him tied in knots and if she said jump, he did. Which was why when she sent the papers, he just signed. It was obvious she wanted it and he could never deny her anything.

"It's okay. You know I'd rather you call me than call anyone else anyway." He gave her a look to follow up on that statement and it worked because she did know. "Tell me what's up with your mom?"

"I don't know. She got sick a couple of weeks back and has had this lingering cough. Even walking down the stairs gets her hacking and it has me worried. But you know how stubborn that woman is so she didn't do anything. I finally had to push her into seeing the doctor. He told me she was fine and that he gave her some pills that should help ease it."

"You don't believe it?" he asked as he glanced at her again.

"Not by a long shot. But I can't push either one of them to give me answers."

"Huh," Jeff muttered and he could feel her eyes on him. She might not be able to get information, but he might be able to. And no, he wasn't going to break into the doctor's office. Besides, trying to read their notes is like trying to learn a new language, virtually impossible.

"What are you thinking?" Jeff glanced at Rose and shrugged, but she knew better. "Don't do anything, Jeff. I'm sure if there was serious cause to worry, Tyler would have told me."

"Do you have to be on such good terms with him? Can't you just call him the doctor or something?"

"He really bothers you, doesn't he Jeff?"

"Yes, he does. I'm sure he's not that bad of a guy but I still don't like him. I mean, he was such a jerk and I don't care how much he apologizes or how much he drinks, I just...don't like him. He reminds a lot of Rick in that way." Jeff bit the inside of his cheek as his thoughts flooded back to the man that had started working at the diner with Rose...

... "We have a new man training today," Rose told him as he walked through the archway from the living room to the dining room. He placed a kiss on her cheek in greeting while she finished up dinner.

"Oh yeah?" he asked as he got the glasses and started pouring their drinks. "Is he new to the area or something?"

"Yeah, young one too, only 21."

"Rose, we're only 23, you make it sound like we're ancient." She laughed at him as she pulled the pork chops off the stove and started to plate them up.

"Anyway, he's a sweet one, but I guess his mom or something used to live around here and she died when he was in his early teens, and wanted to be closer to her." Jeff nodded at that, he could relate to that.

"Well, that's cool. Seem like a good employee?"

"Big time. He listened to everything I said since I was the one training him today. Followed me around like a lost little puppy, was kind of sweet." That gave Jeff a moment's pause. Not that it was unusual for Rose to train people, but not one person had ever followed her around like that. And being a young male, he didn't like it either. He wouldn't say anything, sure, but he still didn't like it.

"Well, as long as he works hard and doesn't cause trouble or anything." Rose sat the plates down and tilted her head as she thought that over. He finished gathering the drinks and finally sat down, but he still watched her. "What is it?"

"I don't know. He doesn't strike me as the type that would cause trouble, you know?"

"He's young and it sounds like alone, and to top it off, he's a male. He very much seems like the type to me to cause trouble." Rose waved her hand at him as if saying his worries weren't valid or didn't need to be there. But Jeff knew the minds of young men and he would say that there was a need to worry. But Rose wouldn't, and that was where her heart tended to get her into trouble. She finally sat down and dug into her meal and the conversation of the new guy dropped.

It didn't even come up again until almost two weeks later when Jeff paid her a surprise visit right before her shift was off. He waited by her car, leaning against the side, and watched as she walked out in a huff. He frowned as he saw that, wondering what the hell was going on. Rose loved her job, loved her customers, and very rarely ever got upset at anyone.

"Rose, wait up, let me apologize." Jeff's eyes glanced over to the man, more like a little boy, who was running after her.

"No, Rick, there is nothing you can say or do. You seemed so good, too nice to be a jerk like this!" She walked even faster, the tears gathering in her eyes as she saw her husband. "Jeff," she breathed as she drew up to him, his arms wrapping around her.

"What's going on?" He whispered but she shook her head and he knew he would be fighting a losing battle to get information out of her right now. So his eyes lifted up and he figured he would go to the next best thing. "What happened?" He asked Rick who hung his head. His look of defeat was enough to let him know that he wouldn't like the answer and he thought it best to let it go. "Better yet, leave and never come back here. I don't care what you tell the owners, but I don't want to see you around or I will make sure to kick your ass so hard you'll be fucking eating out of a God damn tube for the rest of your life."...

... "What do you mean like Rick? Rick was just an infatuated kid who thought he catch a feel, and did."

"Yeah, at the expense of my wife. But Tyler seems the same. Like they are allowed to do this shit because it's them and they are special or something," Jeff replied, shaking his head. He hated men like that and he had known his fair share. "I also worry about you working so late, Rose."

"I know. But I can't really afford to miss work and I had to take mom in this morning. I don't mind it really. And now with the car, it's going to be an added expanse."

"You don't need to worry about the car, Rose. I'll take a look at it and fix it myself. Not sure what it could be because I just fixed the battery on it." He started to think it over and she laughed. He could feel her eyes on him and he glanced at her. "What?"

"Cars have always been your passion. Buying them, fixing them up, just plain working on them. You enjoy it so much. And you get lost in your own mind and how to fix it or spice it up."

"It's one of two things I love dearly, yes. And playing with cars is great for me. Don't fault me that or I'm going to demand you go out on another date as payment for fixing your car." She shook her head as he pulled up to her house. "I'll be here tomorrow to pick you up? I'm going to assume another night shift?"

"Yeah, but then I'm off, and I'll have my mornings again." He climbed out and opened the door for her.

"Well, I'll make sure to rest up in between looking at your car," he teased her.

"Thanks." She climbed down and then paused. "I mean that Jeff, really thank you. For coming to get me, for taking me in, and for helping me with the car." He shrugged, not the type to like praise much. She kissed his cheek and walked up to the door, but he called out, making her pause.

"Hey, Rose?"

"Yeah?" she asked as she turned around.

"Your mom, she didn't say anything that should worry you, right?" She knew he was asking about anything fatal. And though she shook her head, he could read it in her eyes; she was that worried. And he hated seeing that look there. So he made a vow; he didn't know how he was going to do it, but he was going to make sure her mom was okay.

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