~ Chapter 25 ~

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He tried his best to control his raging anger at the moment. He had known from the start that Tyler wasn't a good guy but he tried his best to give the guy the benefit here. And of course, it happened; Tyler went after someone he shouldn't. And yeah, so Rose wasn't his and he still had a long way to go with her to gain her forgiveness, he knew that, but if she said no then Tyler should have backed away.

Jeff mentally cursed as he took Rose up to her room. He fought to push his anger down, not wanting her to feel it because she had always been rather good at picking that up. He also knew that if that guy was still down there when he was done comforting Rose, he was going to punch someone. Even if that wasn't the girl who still had his heart, Tyler was an asshole who thought every girl needed to bow to his whim just because he said so. And Jeff always hated guys like that, even back in high school.

Jeff laid her down and hovered over her, brushing her hair back from her face. She smiled softly up at him and he returned it. This brought back memories, not that what happened then was going to happen now, he knew better than that, but it was still very reminiscent of that night. She ran her fingers over his cheek and glanced down at his lips before looking back up into his eyes. He heard her sigh and he had to fight back his grin.

"This just like that time in high school." He ran his eyes over her face before smiling.

"I was just thinking about it actually." His eyes stayed locked on hers as his thoughts faded...

... He watched the guys that went to some ritzy school in another town. He hadn't liked them, something about them struck a chord with him and he didn't like it. They seemed spoiled, like everything was always handed to them and they got what they wanted, fuck what anyone said. And currently, one just couldn't take his eyes away from Rose; his Rose.

He held her at this side the whole day. Not simply because he wanted to, but she had asked him too. Jeff wasn't a possessive asshole, at least he didn't show it. If Rose wanted to talk to guys or hang out, or hell, befriend them, he didn't mind because he trusted her and knew that she was his girl. And she had done that, she was open to him about people she talked to and hung out with; some of which were other guys at school. So yeah, it was a little odd to have Rose ask him to stay by her side and not let her go. Again, he had no problem with that request because he enjoyed touching her and having her close.

"You okay?" he asked her as he pulled her on his lap as the night went on and they all sat around the bonfire. She was even so uncomfortable that she had gone into the house and changed from the bikini that looked amazing on her to a pair of shorts and one of his hoddies, neither of which he minded. She laid her head on his chest and nodded.

"Yeah, I just don't like their stares much. They don't seem to stare quite so hard when I'm this close to you." Jeff wrapped his arms around her even more and she purred, almost like a little kitten in heaven.

"Don't worry baby, I got you, you know this. I would never let anything happen to you." He kissed the top of her head, savoring the feeling of having her right there. Moments like these back home were next to impossible because her mom always frowned at them, and it wasn't like they were even sexually active!

"I know, doesn't mean I still don't have some worries." She lifted her head and smiled up at him and he had to return it. God, she was so gorgeous to him and he loved her so much.

"Hey, Jeff, can you help me take some of this inside real fast? We can't leave things on the beach overnight, even if it's our property." Rose sighed, knowing that meant she got left alone.

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